Goin' Through Stages (Part 2)

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"Wow." Elijah said breathlessly as he dropped the flowers in his hands.

"Do I look okay?" Odette asked but Elijah was too preoccupied admiring Odette's figure in the little black cocktail dress she wore. The dress hugged her hips accentuating his favorite part of her. His arms circled around her waist as he leaned in to kiss her but Odette pulled back.

"What's wrong?"

"You haven't said one word to me yet. I haven't seen you all day." She pouted.

"Actually I said wow." He said matter-of-factly. Odette glared at him as her lips turned down in to a frown.

"Ok I'm sorry, you just look amazing. Hello Ducky, how was your day?" he asked as he pecked her lips. "I brought you flowers." He said finally remembering the flowers he had quickly discarded. Elijah picked up the bouquet and handed them to Odette.

"What's the occasion?"

"Our first date." Elijah beamed and Odette looked up at him, her confusion clearly expressed on her face.

"We've gone out together plenty of times."

"But we haven't since we've made things official. So tonight counts as our first date."

Odette giggled for some reason she found him to be so endearing at the moment. He knew how to make her feel so special.

"Let me put these in some water, we don't want to be late."

Elijah chewed at his bottom lip as he watched Odette walk away, mesmerized by the hypnotic sway of her hips. He was trying hard to be the gentleman his parents raised him to be but Odette was making it impossible. His hands ached for the chance to touch every inch of her body. Shoving his hands in to his pockets he followed behind Odette and watched as she placed the bouquet in a vase.

Lucy jumped up on to the counter surprising Elijah, her jet black eyes locked on to Elijah.

"Get down you crazy cat!" Odette scolded as she shooed Lucy away.

"I swear that cat hates me." Elijah grumbled.

"She hates everyone except my mother." She said shaking her head as she walked out of the kitchen and grabbed her coat from the living room. Odette looked up at the clock on her wall and gasped, they were running ten minutes behind schedule.

"We're already running late!" she exclaimed. Odette did not want to make a bad impression on Elijah's friends by being late.

"I know; we can take our time getting there." He chuckled as Odette rushed him to the elevator.

"If we are late for the opening I'll make a bad impression on your friends." She said all in one breath.

"You don't have to be nervous, my friends will love you even if we're late. Besides they know I am always late to these things. "he said with a shrug as the rode down to the garage where Fred was waiting for them.

"I didn't know Fred was driving us." Odette said as they walked over to the car.

"I figured it would be for the best. An evening with my friends there is bound to be some heavy drinking." He said as the climbed in to the car.

"Oh, I don't hold my liquor well, so you can count me out." Odette blushed as she thought about how she discovered that she only had a two drink maximum while in college.

"Oh so you're a lightweight huh?" Elijah said smiling mischievously.

"Don't even think about trying to get me drunk tonight, it ain't happening."

"Don't worry Ducky, when I get you drunk I want you all to myself."

"My god you are such a creep." She said scooting away from him as Elijah laughed.

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