A Gregorio Thanksgiving

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Odette stood in front of the large wooden door with a fall themed wreath hanging on the front. She could hear that the house was filled with people. Her heart pounded furiously against her chest as she tightened her grip on the carrying case in her hand.

"You look like a deer caught in headlights." Evangeline chuckled as Elijah pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. Once they stepped foot in to the house Odette felt like she was in another world. Her senses were tantalized by the savory aromas that filled every inch of the house. There was a group of men hanging out in the hallway, laughter came from every direction as children trampled down the stairs. Odette was used to the quiet Thanksgivings at her grandmother's house since it was just them. The overflow of noise was daunting yet strangely welcoming.

"Ma! Elijah's here!" Lucas yelled as soon as he laid eyes on his brother. "It's about time you made it." He said as Elijah hugged him. Odette was surprised by his sheer height, he seemed to tower over his older brother and just overshadow her.

"We would have been here sooner, but someone had to change their outfit four times." Elijah said and Odette nudged him, she was already nervous, she didn't need him adding embarrassment to the mix.

"So you're Odette, it's nice to finally meet you." he said taking Odette's hand in to his. "I hear you're a fan of mine as well." He flashed her a heartwarming smile that was sure enough to make any woman melt on the spot.

Odette looked at Elijah as she wondered what he meant by that.

"I am?"

"Odette this is my bratty little brother Lucas- "Elijah said as he swiftly replaced Lucas' hand with his own. "-He also happens to be Seven."

"No way!" Odette squealed with excitement. "Are you serious?"

"He surprised us all. I thought he was going to just leech off of our parents for the rest of his life."

"I am such a fan of your work." Odette said ignoring Elijah's snide comment. Lucas led Odette into the house as she raved about his latest novel.

"She just forgot all about us." Elijah said in disbelief to Evangeline who was completely amused by the situation.

"That just means that I get to spend more time with you." she said taking Elijah's arm.

"That's true."

Elijah brought Evangeline in to the kitchen so she could be introduced to Gaby. The women immediately took to each other as if they had known each other for years. Leaving Elijah abandoned for the second time in five minutes. Elijah wandered out of the kitchen and step out to the backyard where Nick and Dante were busy grilling slabs of ribs.

"You finally made it." Nick said handing Elijah a pan holding a rack of ribs.

"Yeah, we would have been here sooner but Odette kept changing her outfit." He said as Nick placed another rack of ribs in the pan. "I think she nervous." He said sarcastically.

"I would be surprised if she wasn't. Where is she anyway?" Dante asked.

"In the living room stroking Lucas' ego... she's a fan." He said bitterly, he knew that he shouldn't be jealous but he hated the way her eyes sparkled with adoration as she spoke to Lucas. He wanted her to only look at him that way.

"Where's Vic? She wasn't in the kitchen with ma." Elijah said and noticed the tight expression on Dante's face.

"We didn't come together. She should be here soon." Dante mumbled as he kept his eyes on the grill. They had another fight that morning just adding on to the tension already between them.

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