The Story of Us: Making Changes

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"Why are you scowling?" Nick asked Gaby as they rode up the elevator, they were an hour late for GRP's New Year party, and Gaby was not pleased.

"This is all your fault." She huffed "You're the CEO how do you show up to your own party an hour late?"

"Be glad it was only an hour," Nick said with a mischievous grin as he wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her cheek. "I can't help it that my wife is so damn sexy. Besides, this is my last party, and I can be late if I want to."

"Are you sure you want to do this Nicholas?" Gaby asked as she looked up at him, concern was etched onto her face. Gaby knew that the only reason why Nick was retiring was because of her. Never knowing when she would have a flare up, Nick worried about her constantly. Retiring would allow him to keep a closer eye on her. Gaby loved the idea of Nick being around more but not at the cost of giving up his passion.

"Of course I'm sure, I've put my time in. All I want to do now is travel the world with my favorite girl,"

"You must be going senile, I haven't been a girl for a very long time," Gaby said with a chuckle as the elevator came to a stop.

"Every time I look at you I still see that crazy girl I grew up loving,"

"You're so sweet." Gaby blushed as she kissed his lips as the elevator doors slid open and they were greeted by Aaliyah and Adam.

"Going somewhere?" Nick asked his voice dripping with acid.

"Oh no, we saw the elevator come up and figured it was you," Aaliyah said quickly as she hugged her father.

"Why are you two so late?" She asked as she linked arms with her parents as they walked into the banquet hall. The room was bustling with people, waiters navigated around huddles of people to serve the hors d'oeuvres Gaby insisted on having. The drinks were flowing, and his people were happy, and that was all Nick cared about.

From the top of the staircase, Gaby spotted Elijah and Odette who were having fun on the dance floor ignoring the looks of jealousy that came their way.

"I will have to request a slow jam because you are killing me, Ducky," Elijah said with a huff as he tried to catch his breath. He was caught off guard when Odette pulled him out to the dance floor, but he was glad that she was finally warming up to the party and decided to have some fun.

"You are such an old man right now," she said with a laugh as she grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waitress.

"And you're drinking tonight, I have no idea who you are," Elijah said with a feigned look of surprise.

"I'm just having one tonight. I should wait until the toast," Odette said with a pout as she tried to make up her mind.

"It's New Year's Eve live a little. I'll keep you classy." Elijah said with a wink as he chuckled.

"You're so good to me," she said dryly as she took a sip of the bubbly golden liquid.

"Good evening GRP!" Ian said as the music faded out and everyone's attention turned to the stage. "Thank you all for coming out, I know we all have waited around for him to get here, so without further ado help me welcome our head-honcho-in-charge our CEO Nicholas Gregorio."

The crowd erupted into a roar of applause and cheering as Nick made his way to the stage. As he looked out at the different faces in the crowd, his mind went back to when he and Ian started GRP. Nick was trying to repair the damage to his marriage caused by his blind pursuit of success. His children barely knew who he was. Starting GRP gave him the freedom to live by his own rules and take care of the people most important in his life. Many of his employees worked under him at the firm he had left, and they all proved to be loyal and hardworking. There weren't enough words to describe how thankful he was to them.

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