Setting-Up the Pieces

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The next morning Odette woke up to the sound of her mother shuffling about getting ready for the day.

"Who are you getting all pretty for?" she said with a yawn as she stretched out across the bed as she watched her mother apply lipstick.

"Just because I'm dying doesn't mean I have to stop looking cute," Evangeline said and Odette winced.

"I really wish you wouldn't talk like that."

"Why not when it's the truth. It's the reason why I am in this place." Evangeline said as she sat beside Odette.

"No, it's not. You are here to get better. A year from now all of this will be a distant memory. You promised me you wouldn't give up." Evangeline saw the worry in her child's face and regretted her choice of words. There were just some days where she felt like she couldn't continue with the treatments but she had her children to live for.

"When will you bring me a nice young man hmm?" she asked changing the subject as Odette laid her head on her mother's lap.

"I don't have time for dating, and if I had any extra time I should be using it to make money." she honestly completely oblivious to her mother's pain. Evangeline hated that she hadn't planned her finances better so her daughter didn't have to work so hard. She worried about Odette constantly.

"I'm sorry you have to work so hard. I know the past two years have been tough on you but I appreciate everything that you do for me," she said as she planted a kiss on Odette's cheek. "I am so proud of you."


"Of course, why wouldn't I be? You have surpassed all of the dreams I have had for you...well except for one thing."

"Don't say it," Odette said as she covered her ears with her hands.

"Grandkids!" Evangeline said with a laugh.

"Mom please do not start."

"Fine, how did your exam go?" Evangeline asked as she brushed her hair back and put on a headband. She knew by Odette's sudden silence that she didn't do well.

"I did ok," she lied, the last thing she needed was her mother worrying about her grades.

"Why don't you get some more sleep, you still look exhausted," Evangeline suggested as Odette sat up and climbed out of bed.

"I have to check on my car," she said pulling her shoes on as Evangeline handed her the traveling bag she kept for her on the nights she stayed over.

"I'll see you later then," she said before kissing Odette on the forehead as she left to get breakfast.

Odette dipped her head down as she passed by the administrator's office, she had been ducking the woman for weeks. She knew that her mother's insurance ran out and she had a hefty bill waiting for her at the end of the month.

"Ms. Pratt, can I speak to you for a moment?" The woman said stepping out of her office as Odette passed by. Odette stopped in her tracks as she winced, she slapped on a polite smile as she turned around.

"Susan, how are you today?" she asked as she followed the woman into her office.

"I am doing well thank you, please have a seat," she said directing Odette to the empty seat across from her desk as the woman took her seat. Odette felt like she had just been sent to the principal's office as she sat under the woman's disapproving gaze. Susan pulled the pen stuck in-between her messy silver bun and began to write on a notepad.

"I am sure that you are well aware that your insurance will no longer pay for your mother's stay here."

"Yes I'm aware," Odette answered softly as she tried to figure out where she was going to get the money from.

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