The Story of Us: Sunday

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Victoria looked up from her phone and noticed the beaming smile on Odette's face. The women were meeting up for their regular weekly lunch, and Odette was surprised to see Yaharah sitting next to Victoria.

"Hello beautiful," Victoria said standing up to greet her. The women embraced as Yaharah watched.

"It's nice to see you again Odette," Yaharah said as she watched Odette take a seat across from them.

"It's nice to see you too," Odette said while trying to mean it wholeheartedly.

"So, what's got you all excited on a Monday afternoon?" Victoria asked sensing that Odette could barely contain herself.

Odette debated whether she should tell Victoria or not, but she couldn't contain herself.

"I just applied to a culinary school in France." She said with a squeal of excitement. Even she could not believe that she had applied. The school was the complete package; it was everything she wanted; now, if only she were accepted into the program.

"What? That's great." Victoria said as she clapped her hands. The fact that Odette was finally pursuing her dreams made her so proud. Even though the school was in France, she knew that it would be a great opportunity for growth and that Elijah and the rest of the family would support her every step of the way.

"How long is the program?" Yaharah asked.

"A year, it's a fantastic program; it has everything I want in it." Odette said all in one breath.

"Wow, that's awesome? What did Elijah say about it?" she asked.

"I haven't told him yet. I'm thinking of just waiting until I get a letter back." Odette said quickly.

"You'll get in; I have no doubt about that," Victoria said giving Odette's hand a reassuring pat.

"I am so nervous," Odette confessed.

"Don't worry you'll be fine," Yaharah said with a wave of her hand as she wondered how Elijah would take the news.


"Why am I always staring out the darn window looking for this child?" Victoria mumbled to herself as she stared out her kitchen window. Ever since their talk with Naomi, she seemed to finally get her act together and was coming home on time. But today she was late. Victoria didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was worried. She made a mental note to talk to Dante about getting Naomi a cell phone so that they could keep track of her. A familiar car pulled up in front of the house, and the passenger door flew open. Naomi got out, her face was twisted up in anger, and she stomped towards the house. The boy she suspected to be Naomi's boyfriend got out of the car and grabbed Naomi by the arm pulling her back; as the couple began to argue Victoria went to the door and stepped out.

"Leave me alone Jamal I meant what I said."

"You don't tell me when we're done," Jamal said as he pushed Naomi up against the side of the car. Victoria felt her blood pressure instantly rise as her eyes locked onto Jamal. Victoria saw Jamal's hand rise as if he was about to hit Naomi and before her brain could process anything her body went into action. When she came to Victoria had Jamal's pressed against the hood of the car and his right arm twisted behind his back.

"Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't break your arm right now." She said with a violent tug as Jamal howled out in pain. "You keep your filthy hands off of my daughter!" she yelled as she pulled on his right index finger, she could feel the joint pop. Jamal howled out in pain sounding like a strangled animal. He writhed back and forth on the ground as Dante pulled up in front of his house. He got out of the car and took inventory of the situation. Naomi was nursing the side of her face, and she looked at Victoria in disbelief.

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