Beauty for Ashes

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Odette could feel his dark gaze on her, she was pretty sure that if looks could kill she would be dead. Heavy footsteps approached her as she finished packing up her belongings.

"You're a wicked woman," Elijah grumbled as he stood behind her. Odette turned around and looked up at him. His lips were turned down into a scowl, but his eyes reflected his sadness. She let out a short sigh as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Call me whatever you want, you still aren't coming," she said firmly taking Elijah by surprise. Odette had just revealed to Elijah that she had made other arrangements to get to the airport on moving day.

"You are being unreasonable," he said refusing to respond to her hold.

"Am I really Elijah? Just the other day you held onto my leg so I wouldn't go to the store."

"I was being comical, and who was it that made me miss my basketball game with Dante just to stay home and cuddle."

"That was different I was sick," She said rolling her eyes, how dare he not know the difference.

"You had a headache, I still don't see why I can't drop you off. It's not like I won't let you get on the plane."

"This has nothing to do with you. I know that if you are there, I won't want to get on the plane, and I need to get on the plane." She said stilling holding on to Elijah waiting for him to respond.

With only a week left before the big move, Odette was beginning to feel some apprehension. Sensing her sudden change in mood, Elijah finally wrapped his arms around her. Neither needed to say anything else, both enjoyed the much-needed moment of being in each other's presence.

"Okay Elijah, stop hogging her," Elisa said breaking up their moment. "Odette come on everyone is waiting for you." She said taking Odette by the hand and led her out to the reception area, where the entire department stood waiting for her, with solemn faces and a cake that said, 'Good Luck in France.'

"I can't believe it's finally here," Elisa cried as she clung to Odette. "Why do you have to leave, you're the only person I like here," she continued as she dabbed a tear away from her eyes.

"The feelings mutual," Adam said shaking his head making everyone laugh.

"I'll be back," Odette offered up.

"But you're not coming back to work here. I'm going to miss our breakroom chats and lunch dates."

"We can do all of that when I come back,"

"Yeah in a year," Elisa wailed as she clung to Odette.

"Oh, grow up Elisa," Adam said pulling Elisa away from Odette as she laughed.

"Odette, it's been great having you here, I am going to miss you." He said opening his arms for a hug which Odette was happy to give but was quickly intercepted by Elijah.

"You have your own woman to hug on," Elijah snapped, and Odette shook her head.

"Be nice," she whispered as she kissed his cheek.

"No, I don't want to," he said sounding like a spoiled five-year-old. For the next hour, Odette was bombarded with gifts and advice to take with her on her adventure.

"I didn't think this would be so difficult," Odette wiped away a tear as she got into the car she said with a pout.

"I know Ducky," Elijah took her hand in his and gave it a reassuring pat. Odette looked out of the window as they drove away from the building. GRP had become her home away from home, the people in her department welcomed her with open arms. They protected her, pushed her to grow, and encouraged her to explore, the ten months she spent at GRP left her with lessons that she would carry with her forever.

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