Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 2

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"Amelie Leveridge?" He asked, in a wise, old voice.

"Who wants to know?!" I coldly replied.

"I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. And I've come to tell you that you have been offered a place in my school. If you choose.."

"Wh, What?! Are you being serious?!"

"Very much so Amelie. Because you, my dear, are a witch."


"Sorry? Did you just say that I'm a, witch?!" I asked, stunned.

"Yes my dear. " He said, and walked closer. "May I sit here?" He gestured to the seat next to me. I nodded, too stunned for words.

"It may come as a shock to you Amelie, but i speak only the truth. Have you ever done things that you can't explain, or have strange things happen around you when you're sad or angry?"

"Umm, I think so. Whenever I'm angry, other people always end up getting hurt..." He nodded as I paused

"Ummm, and I can sometimes hear what other people are thinking..."

"Interesting...Interesting. What you have there is untamed magic. And at hogwarts, you will learn to taim that magic, and use it to your best capabilities.

I nodded, as though I knew what he meant.

"The mind reading talent that you speak of is rare, incredibly rare, and incredibly valuable. Your parents must have truly been powerful wizards-"

I cut him off. "No! My parents weren't wizards! How could they have been?! They were humans!"

"Do you remember your parents Amelie?"

"Not really...but they weren't wizards!" Lord knows why I was getting so angry, but how dare he talk about my parents as if he knew them. He didn't know them! How could he? He thought they were wizards.

"Ok...ok" He paused, as if he was about to tell me something then though better of it. He knew something he wasn't telling me...

"Where is this school?" I said, getting a bit impatient now.

"Oh, it's in england.." He said, cutting the conversation short.

After an awkward silence, he finally began speaking again.

"Are you ready?" He asked, looking me in the eye. I nodded, and he waved his hand over my duffle bag, and it disappeared. I barely batted an eyelid.

"How come you're so relaxed about magic?" He asked, suprised.

"Well, I've had to change my life so often, that magic is just another change. It doesn't bother me anymore"

"Hmm, ok then. Shall we?" He asked, holding out an arm. I took it slowly, unsure of what to do. He turned to look at me, his eyes now full of concern.

"Hold onto my arm at all times, never let go, undertsand?" He said, sternly.

I just nodded, too tired to do anything else.

"Oh, and another thing, brace yourself for the after shock."

"The after wha-?" I couldn't finish my sentence as the world around me span, it felt as though I was being squeezed through small tubes. My stomach churned, and my limbs felt week, as the world stopped spinning. I landed harshly on the floor, as Dumbledore stood looking at me.

"What did you mean by the after sh-" I had to run to a nearby bush, and throw up the little food I had eaten that day. Dumbledore chuckled. After I had wiped my mouth, I turned around to speak to him.

"Soo...Mr Dumbeldore?" I said searching for what to call him.

"Please, call me Professor."

"So, Professor. Where are we?" I asked, staring around at the cobbled street we had rematerialised in.

"Well, Amelie, we are in Diagon Alley, the best shopping street for Witch and Wizard school supplies."

"Oh" I said, as a huge man stomped over to us. His dark, bushy beard covering most of his face.

"Ah, Rubeus. Amelie, this is Professor Rubeus Hagrid, Hagrid, this is Amelie Leveridge."

"A helloo Amelie" The large Hagrid boomed.

"Uh, hello..." I said, slightly frightened.

"Hagrid is going to be taking you to get your school supplies, as I am needed back at Hogwarts, Is that Ok?" Professor Dumbledore said soflty.

"Uh, ok?" I said, still staring at the imposibly huge Hagrid.

"Good, I will see you at Hogwarts this evening Amelie, Farewell." And with that he vanished.

I turned back to Hagrid, and he beamed at me.

"Right then Miss Leveridge, let's go buy your supplies."

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