Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 21

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When we got back to the common room, there were a bunch of my friends sitting around waiting for me.

"Amelie! Where were you?!" "What have you been doing?!" "What happened to your hand?" I sighed and whispered in Nevilles ear.

"Sure, I'll deal with them. You just get some sleep." I gave him a kiss on the cheek before trudging up to my room, and collapsing in my bed. Falling into a dream-filled sleep.


A soft tapping woke me from my dreaming. I slowly pushed myself out of my bed, and towards the window, where my owl Albus was waiting patiently. I leaned forward and opened the latch, as Albus hopped onto my shoulder.

"Heyy Albus. How are you today?" A chorus of cooing filled the dorm room, stirring Hermionie.

"Shhh Albus, we don't want to wake the others." He nodded, and lifted up one of his legs.

I gently unbound the letter from his leg, and held it in my hand.

"Is this for me?" He cooed. I opened the letter, and began reading it expectantly.

Dear Miss Leveridge,

Please could you join me and Professor Snape in a meeting after breakfast, in my office. Do not worry about missing lessons, I have already informed your teachers that you'll be with me. Enjoy your morning.

Professor Albus Dumbledore

P.S. I like sherbet lemons.

What a strange man... I thought, as I shrugged on my uniform. What did he mean about sherbet lemons? I walked down the stairs to find Neville already waiting for me in the common room.

"Neville!!" I ran and jumped over the back of the sofa, landing on top of him.

"Hey! I can see you're feeling better." He noted, pushing me off onto the seat next to him.

"Yeah...well...I still have to go to some meeting with Sevy after breakfast." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.

"What about?"

"I have no idea! But it'll probably involve a lot of arguing and glaring on his part." Neville nodded, and stood up from the sofa, pulling me with him. We walked hand in hand down to the great hall, swinging our arms as we went.

Despite my carefree exterior, I was pretty nervous about my meeting with Dumbledore and Snape. I was worried that they'd punish me for taking stuff from Snape's potions cabinet, or getting attacked by Draco again - which was hardly my fault but according to Snape everything is my fault.

After picking at my plate of waffles - despite their deliciousness, I wasn't all that hungry - I trudged up to Dumbledore's office, only to have my path blocked by a stone gargoyle.

"Password?" It asked, in a gruff unwelcoming voice.

"Huh? How am I meant to know that?! Can you please just let me through, I've got a meeting with Dumbledore and my Dad?!" Woah, did I really just call him my Dad? Freaky...

"No password, No entry." I sighed with exasperation.

" it password?"

"Nice try."



"Albus the awesome?"


"Amelie is the greatest?"

"No!" Arrrgg! What the hell was the stupid password... Hang on, what did that letter say? I dug out the letter from my pocket, and reread the last sentence.

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