Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 8

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"But, why? I mean, why would Snape help you? He..he's evil! Why would he help anyone?!" I began frowning at him.

"Snape's not..evil.. He's just..grumpy.."

"But why was he helping you?"

"Well, umm.." I didn't really know what to say, because Neville really seemed to be scared of Snape.

"He' adoptive father..."

Nevilles jaw dropped open, as he stared at me in shock. I smiled nervously at him, as the train began to slow down, into the station at hogwarts. This was going to be interesting.


When the train had finally stopped at hogwarts, we lugged our stuff to one of the small carriages that were waiting to take us up to the castle.

Opposite us sat Ron, and who I guessed was his friends. A girl with bushy hair about the same colour as mine sat one side of him, talking non-stop about something she had just read, and a boy with short, black hair, circular glasses and a lightning shaped scar sat the other side, staring at me intently.

"Hey Neville" they said in unison, as we clambered into our seats.

"Hey guys, this is Amelie Leveridge"

"I know" Ron said, grinning at me. "I'm Hermionie" The girl said, and continued talking to Ron.

"I'm Harry Potter" the boy with glasses said, holding his hand out to shake. Just as I reached to shake it, the carriage jolted forward, knocking me out of my seat. I just laughed nervously, as Neville helped me back into my seat.

"So how come I haven't seen you here before?" Harry asked, I just groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Not again!" I shouted, laughing slightly. Ron and Nevilled joined in. Harry just looked at me oddly.

"Dumbledore came and found me two weeks ago, telling me that I'd got into hogwarts, and I 've been living there up until now." I left out the bit about living on the streets, because Hermionie was already looking down her nose at me.

"So who's been looking after you?" Hermionie asked, having finally stopped talking about that stupid book.

"Errmm-" I began, but Neville butted in:

"Dumbledore." He said, not looking at me. I gave him a questioning glance, but he just ignored it.

When we had got off the carriage, and had said our goodbyes to the others, I finally asked Neville about what he'd said.

"Why did you say that I was being looked after by Dumbledore?" I asked, slightly baffled.

"Not many people like Snape. So telling them all that he's your father-"

"Adoptive" I butt in.

"Right, 'adoptive' father, isn't going to make you very popular." I just nodded, as we made our way into the great hall.

"I'll see you later" Neville said, walking off to sit at the Gryfindor table. I followed the first years to the front of the hall, where there was an odd looking hat on a stool. Professor Snape had told me about this hat, and that it was used for sorting us into houses.

I had already decided that I wanted to be placed in Gryfindor, as it was my turn to wear the hat. I walked up to the front and placed it on my head. Begging to be placed in Gryfindor with Ron, Harry and Neville. I knew that Snape hated Gryfindor so I knew that being placed in that house would really irritate him. Just another bonus. I smiled as the hat began talking.

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