Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 9

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However, Neville excelled in Herbology. Where I couldn't tell the difference between Gillyweed and god knows what I'm holding in my hand, he could name almost every plant, and where it grows. It was amazing. But as soon as we were out of Professor Sprout's classroom, Neville suddenlt became nervous.

"What's wrong Neville?" I asked, holding onto his shoulder.

"We have potions next.." I could see just how scared he was of Professor Snape.

"It's ok Neville, I'm sure Snape will be nicer if I'm sitting with you." I couldn't have been much further off.


When we reached Snape's classroom, most of the class were already sitting down. I sat in one of the front seats, next to Neville, just as Professor Snape stormed into the room, his cloak billowing behind him.

"Today, you will be making the simple wiggenweld potion. The ingredients are in front of you. I will be round to judge in half an hour." He said, in his irritating monotonal voice.

Half an hour later, I had nearly finished my potion. I looked over to Neville who seemed to be struggling. Where my potion was smooth and mint-coloured, his was lumpy and grey. I went to help him, by whispering in his ear what to do, when a dark shadow loomed over us. I looked up to see Snape peering over us, his stare menacing and judging.

"Having a nice conversation were we?" He asked, causing Neville to tense. I just sighed.

"Now, Mr Longbottom" Snape said, putting a ladel into the mess of a potion Neville had created. "you have, dissapointed me. Detention, after dinner." Neville's face dropped, and I stared at Snape in disbelief.

"What?" I shouted, suddenly on the defensive.

"You have a problem, Miss Leveridge?" Snape replied, in his irritated voice.

"That's not fair! You can't give Neville a detention just because his potion didn't work!"

"You dare undermine me?!" He asked, in a raised, monotonal voice. I just rolled my eyes. "You can join Mr Longbottom in detention, and 20 points from Gryfindor." He glared at me, then stormed away, to talk to Draco Malfoy and Caitlin Kirkwood.

"What did you do that for?" Neville asked, still shaking slightly from his encounter with Snape.

"It was unfair. There was no way I was gonna let him get away with it."

"But now you've got detention too." I just shrugged.

"It's only detention."

The rest of potions class went quickly, with me glaring at Snape the whole time. Finally, we were allowed to leave, and we made our way to Defence against the dark arts with Professor Umbridge - the new, syrupy sweet teacher from the ministry of magic. I knew that Snape already hated her, but, to be honest, he seems to hate everyone. He did have a point though.

Instead of teaching us how to defend ourselves, she spent the whole lesson going on about order, respect and passing our O.W.L.s. I sighed with frustration and put my hand in the air.

"Miss Leveridge?" She asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Shouldn't we really be learning how to defend ourselves? What use is learning about defence against the dark arts when we can't use it?!" There were murmurs of agreement from around me. Professor Umbridge glared at me.

"Detention. Tonight, after dinner, my office." I just rolled my eyes, and went back to falling asleep on my desk. As she went to continue talking to the class, Harry began speaking.

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