Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 13

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"You still hit me!"

"I.." I sighed with exasperation. "I'm sorry, ok. I didn't mean to.. It's just that.."

"What?! I dissapointed you?! I irritated you?! I wasn't the perfect Slytherin daughter that you would've prefered?! Well, I'm sorry dad!" She snarled "I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you! But maybe you should have adopted Malfoy instead. Maybe then you would be happy, and treat me with some respect!" She shouted, before storming out of the hospital.


Amelie's P.O.V.

I ran from the hospital, not stopping until I found myself in my dorm room. I collapsed on my bed, tears streaming down my face. I hated him. I hated him!! He didn't care about me! No one cared about me!!

I sat on my bed, crying for what seemed like hours, until Neville appeared in the doorway.

"Amelie?" He rushed over to my bed and sat beside me.

"Amelie? What's wrong?? Is it Snape? Did he hurt you again?" I didn't reply, Instead I just cried even more. He pulled me into a hug, and I cried into his chest until I could finally make a sentence.

"He doesn't care about me!" I shouted, sitting up again. "No one cares about me!" I started crying again, and Neville just held onto my shoulder.

"That's not true Amelie, I care about you! So do Harry, and Ron!" I started hiccoughing. Typical.

"Here, drink this." Neville handed me some drink that was on my bedside table. I didn't bother asking what it was, I just gulped it down, and waited until the hiccoughs stopped. Neville squeezed my hand.

"It's ok, you know Amelie. We're here for you." I nodded, looking up at his smiling face, and feebly smiled back.

We must have fallen asleep, because when I looked out of the window, the sun was already setting. I walked over to the window, and pushed it open as wide as it would go, leaning out to feel the breeze on my face.

"What are you doing?" Neville asked, walking up behind me.

"I want to go flying." I replied,suddenly having the urge to go flying.

"I'm sure Harry would lend you his broom.." He replied, watching me as I leaned further out of the window.

"Amelie..." He held onto my shoulder.

"I wonder wether I could fly out of this window..." I muttered, pulling myself up onto the windowsill.

"Amelie, what are you doing?!" He suddenly looked very scared. I looked back and smiled at him.

"Flying." I said, before launching myself out of the window. I watched his horrified face as I fell closer towards the ground. It felt amazing. The wind rushing through my hair, my body felt weightless, as I grew closer to the ground. For the first time in my life, I felt happy. Free. Suddenly, Harry came zooming up to me on his broom, grabbing me by the collar, and halling me onto it.

"Heyy!!" I shouted, annoyed that he'd stopped me from flying.

"What are you doing!!" He shouted, angry.

"Flying." I replied, a smile covering my face. He looked down at me with shock, as we landed softly on the ground. Neville came running up to me, his face stained with tears.

"Neville!!" I shouted, laughing, as he crushed me in a hug. I winced with pain asmy ribs were still sore.

"What happened?" Harry asked Neville.

"She threw heself out the window."


"Amelie, what's wrong with you?!" Harry turned to me.

"Nothing! I just wanted to go flying. Jeese Harry, chill." Neville and Harry exchanged worried glances.

"Come on, we're taking you to Snape" Harry said, as both of them grabbed an arm, and dragged me inside the building.


Snape's P.O.V.

I was in my quarters, brewing a new potion I'd invented, when I was interrupted by a rough knock at the door.

"Enter!" I shouted moodily, I was still irritated with Amelie for storming out on me.

"Professor!" Potter and Neville pushed in, dragging Amelie between them, who was laughing.


"We think that there's something wrong with Amelie!"

I looked at them sceptically.

"How so?"

"She just threw herself from the window in the girls dorm!!"

"What?!" I shouted, storming over to them. I knelt down in her face.


"Jeeze Sevy, calm down." She smirked in my face.

"Don't call me Sevy!!"

"What're you gonna do? Hit me again?!" She said with such venom, I flinched.

"You stupid girl, what were you doing throwing yourself out of a window?!"

"Flying of course!"

"You could have been killed!!"

"I'm sorry Daddy!" I looked at her in disbelief. Did she just call me Daddy? There was something wrong with her!

"What?!" Neville and Harry swapped worried looks.

"What has she eaten?"

"Nothing!" Neville shouted. "I was with her the whole time!"

"You were in the girls dorm?" I asked, suspiciously.

"She was crying! I went to see if she was ok, and then she got hiccoughs so I gave her a drink.."

"A drink?"

"Oh..." Neville said, looking worried.

"Do you think that her drink had been spiked, Professor?" Harry asked, looking concerned.

"That's the most logical cause of this...change of character." I looked back down at Amelie, who was just staring at Neville.

"Longbottom, go and get the drink that you gave her, maybe I can find what potion was in it." He nodded and walked off, after squeezing her arm. I could have just asked Potter to go, but I didn't like the way the Amelie was looking at him. A few minutes later, Neville returned with a glass of what looked like pumpkin juice.

I grabbed it, and held it up to my face.

"Insanity potion." I said, giving the drink back to Neville, who now had a horrified look on his face.

"I th..thought it was pumpkin juice!! I swear!"

"Hmmm" I replied, walking into my store room. I grabbed a purple coloured potion, and returned to Amelie.

"Here." I shoved the potion at Potter.

"Make her drink this."

"What is it?" He asked sceptically. I raised my eybrow at him. Did he really think that I was going to poison her?!

"The antidote."

Neville held back her arms, as Harry forced the antidote into her mouth. She was struggling, but soon enough, she calmed down.

"She's going to be quite drowsy and confused for a day or two, but after that she should be fine." And with that, she fell asleep where she was standing.

"Take her to her room." They nodded, before turning round, and carrying her towards the door. They were just about to leave when Neville turned round.

"I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to her." And then they left.

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