Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 3

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"Hagrid is going to be taking you to get your school supplies, as I am needed back at Hogwarts, Is that Ok?" Professor Dumbledore said soflty.

"Uh, ok?" I said, still staring at the imposibly huge Hagrid.

"Good, I will see you at Hogwarts this evening Amelie, Farewell." And with that he vanished.

I turned back to Hagrid, and he beamed at me.

"Right then Miss Leveridge, let's go buy your supplies."


First Hagrid took me into some dusty old shop to buy me a robe. It was a massive, black cloak, with a jumper, tie, shirt and skirt to go underneath. It made me look like a proper wizard. I looked at myself in the mirror. My dirty, dark-sand coloured hair hung limply just on my shoulders, covering my left eye. My eyes peered out from my pale, thin face, two black onyxes staring back at me. I had to admit, I was one of the most boring looking people in the world. I was kinda thin, but not too thin. I wasn't tall and I wasn't short, I was just average. Average Amelie.

"You done yet Amelie?" Hagrid asked from the other side of the changing room door. I sighed, and began to change back into my tattered normal clothes.

"I'm just getting changed back into my clothes"

"Ah, wait, Dumbledore gave me something for you to change into instead." He passed a pair of dark denim jeans, a plain white vest, and a black hoody over the changing room door, as well as a pair of new black converse. I changed into them and looked back in the mirror. I gasped.

I actually looked acceptable. Apart from my hair, but that could be sorted later.

"Hagrid, I'm done!" I pushed open the changing room door, my new uniorm over one arm, and my old clothes crumpled over my other arm.

"Uh Hagrid, what do I do with these?" I asked, gesturing to my old clothes.

"Ah, put them in there" he said, pointing at the bin. After chucking the remnants of my life living rough in the bin, I followed Hagrid to the pay desk, and then back out onto the street. We trapsed round hundreds of shops, buying books, and cauldrons, and a broomstick, until all that was left was a wand.

Hagrid led me into a shop called Oliwanders, which seemed deserted.

"Mr.Oliwander?!" Hagrid yelled, standind next to me at the desk.

There was a faint scraping sound, that got louder until an elderly man wheeled into view on a ladder, attatched to hundereds of shelves by rails.

"Hagrid, how are you?" The man said, his voice old and gentle.

"I'm good thanks. Mr Oliwander, this here is Amelie-"

"Leveridge, yes I know." Mr Oliwander cut in. He then turned round to face me.

"I've been expecting you Miss Leveridge. Here for your first ever wand, I presume?"

I nodded, waiting for the man to say something more.

"Say, which is your wand arm?" He asked. I looked at him, baffled, I had no idea what he meant. He sighed impatiently.

"Or as muggles say, your writing arm?"

"My right" I replied, Mr Oliwander then hmmd and sped off on his ladder, along the shelves.

"Hagrid, what's a muggle?"

"Well Amelie, a muggle is the name for a normal human or someone who's parents aren't of magical blood. Some nasty wizards call them "Mudbloods". A vicious insult if you ask me"

I nodded, pretending to understand.

Suddenly, Mr Oliwander returned, with a delicately engraved box, the colour of coal. Intricate patterns laced the top, making it look expensive, and beautiful.

"Here you are Miss Leveridge, I've been saving this wand for just the right person, who i think is you."

He opened the box to reveal, a long, delicate, black wand, the handle encrusted with hundreds of tiny Onyxes. He placed it in my hand, and i curled my fingers around it. It fitted perfectly.

"Give it a wave"

I swished my hand, and delicate white sparks flickered from the end.

"Perfect" Mr Oliwander said, looking pleased with himself.

Hagrid paid for the wand, and placed it in one of the several bags of shopping he was carrying.

"Alright Amelie, time to go to Hogwarts"

I smiled up at him as he led me down the street, to a gleaming motorbike that stood at the end of an alley. He placed my shopping in the side cart, and sat on the bike.

"Get on Miss Leveridge" He said, gesturing to the back of the bike. I slowly sat on the bike, as Hagrid revved the engine, and the bike shot into the air.

I was flying. I couldn't believe it. I was actually flying.

We had been flying for about an hour, when I finally saw a breathtaking castle stand up on the horizon. It was truly beatiful. The magestic turrets, and glistening lake, made it seem like a fairytale.

Hagrid lowered the bike, and we arrived at what I believed to be the back entrance. I carefully dismounted the bike and walked towards the towering gate. Hagrid grabbed the shopping, and strode over to the gate, pushing it open easily with his huge hand.

"Professor Dumbledore is expecting you Miss Leveridge" Hagrid said, as he led me to what looked like an old dungeon. Sitting in a chair was Professor Dumbledore, and standing glaring at him was a man I hadn't yet met.

"Ah, Amelie, please, sit" Professor Dumbledore said, gesturing to a chair beside him. As I sat down, I began to analyse the man that stood infront of me. He had the palest skin I had every seen, and his black greasy hair hung limply down to his chin. He has a large, hooked nose, and two emmensly black and menacing eyes, that reminded me of my own. He was a tall, slim man, whose thin lips were flat, in an unamused position. He wore black smart trousers, a black vest-jacket, black shoes, and a black, billowing robe that made him look a bit like a bat or a vampire. I smirked as I tought of this, causing hime to begin glaring at me too, his gaze making me feel uneasy and defensive, so I glared back, my eyes just as ferocious as his.

"Miss Leveridge, meet Professor Snape."

Professor Snape grumbled as I curtly nodded my head, already disliking the snooty, depressing man.

"He has agreed to adopt you during your time at Hogwarts."

I turned to look at Professor Dumbledore, a shocked and irritated look on my face. When looked back up at Professor Snape, I could see him scowling just as much as me, as though anything was better than looking after a tempremental 15 year old, with a short temper, and no knowledge of magic whatsoever.

But what coudl be worse then being looked after by a grumpy, non-comital vampire lookalike?!

This was going to be fun. <ha ha> Not.

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