Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 27

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"Fine." I sighed. "I was going to ask whether I can get a new broom...?" My voice wavered as I waited for his reaction.

"Why." He glared down at me.

"My one's really bad."

"But it still works."

"Yes but-" His eyes darkened as I dared to contradict him.

"Then why would you need a new one?" I sighed, and turned to leave the room.

"Don't worry." I answered, walking out of his cold, depressing room. "Not that you would anyway." I muttered darkly, trying to ignore the glare he was aiming at my back.

'What got him so angry?' I wondered, as I headed towards the common room. Again he'd managed to throw me with his care-not care personality. One minute he acts like he might actually care, and the next it's as though I'm responsible for all of the suffering in his world. I sighed, and collapsed onto my bed, exhausted after quidditch practice.


I was woken by Hermionie slamming her wardrobe doors, and chucking things across the floor.

"Heyy!! Shut it Hermionie!" I looked up to see Hermionie frantically searching our room. She turned and glared at me.

"Have you seen my potions textbook? I need it now!!" She was getting way too worked up over the OWL's, which were next week.

"Hermionie. Cool it. You're gonna be fine. Have you tried under your bed?"

"Ah!" She disappeared under her bed. "Got it!"

"You'll be fine in Potions. I promise. You are a potions genius." She scoffed.

"Yeah right, says you! You're Dad is the potions master!! We all know you'll do fine!" I scowled at her. What was that supposed to mean?! Oh crap, no time for arguing. I glanced at my watch. 30 minutes till breakfast!! I dashed round our room, showering and getting dressed in record time, before slinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Neville!! Breakfast!!" I shouted, as I entered the common room.

"Coming!" He called from the boys dorm. A minute later, he appeared in the doorway.

"Come on then!" I ran up to him, and gave him a quick kiss before walking down to the great hall. We couldn't even hold hands, for fear that Umbridge would give us a detention. My scarring from a couple of weeks back was only just disappearing.

I sat down at the Gryfindor table, and glanced over to Snape. I smiled at him, but he just nodded back. A nod? That's better than nothing, I suppose. Me and Snape had got a little bit closer since I tried to kill Malfoy. Sure, I didn't address him Dad, yet, but he didn't address me as child, or even Miss Leveridge, when we were alone. So I was pretty happy with that.

I skipped off to Charms, and tried not to fall asleep the whole day. Finally, we were released from the torture that is pre-exam lessons. I dashed off to the room of requirement, and met up with the others.

"Alright. Today we are going to learn-" Harry got cut off by a loud booming noise. I walked over to him.

"What was that?" I whispered, as the noise came back again.

"I don't know..." Suddenly, one of the walls exploded, leaving Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Filch and Umbridge standing in it's place. The others had backed up against the far wall, leaving me and Harry standing closest to Umbridge.

"Filch, take the girl." Umbridge motioned to me, as she pulled Harry out of the room by the ear. Malfoy and his gang rounded up the others, and marched after them.

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