Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Epilogue

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"I didn't realise that you cared that much." I said honestly, sending him a meek smile. As I went to look down at my feet again, Snape did something that shocked me.

He hugged me.

This wasn't some comforting hug, when I was crying or anything. This was a real, caring hug.

I hugged him back, enjoying the real father-daughter moment.

It was only when he'd pulled away that I saw how much he truly cared. Tears were glistening in his normally unemotional eyes, and he wore a proper smile, a first for Sir Grump-alot.

"I love you Dad." I chuckled as his whole face lit up. I guess that he wasn't used to people telling him that.

"I...I love you too Amelie."


Amelie's POV

"Where are you going?"

"Damn it." I muttered under my breath, as I walked down the hallway, to where my Dad was standing disaprovingly.

It was the first day of summer, and I was already bored out of my mind!

It's not that I don't like being with my Dad, though he isn't the most exciting of company, it's just this house.

Spinner's End.

More like dead-end if you ask me.

The darkness and mundainity of the street made me irritable, and being stuck in a cramped, dusty old house with a man who would rather make potions than talk to me, is my idea of hell.

Snape had just caught me trying to sneak out.

Something I really didn't want to happen, because now I had to tell him where I was going.

"I am going to the Ministry." I stated matter-o-factly, trying not to catch his piercing glare.

"Why?" Was all that he said, but it was the way that he said it that made me know that I had to tell him. For fear of...death.

"I've got a job interview."

"Who in their right mind would give you a job?" He drawled, insulting me immensely.

"Alastor Moody." I muttered, glaring at him.

"I doubt that they hire temps." He scoffed, not taking my job application seriously.

"I'm not going to be a temp, I'm going to be an Aurors Apprentice." I said happily, loving the title.

"Won't you need your NEWTs for that?" He raised an eyebrow derogatorily.

"Mr Moody says that as long as my OWLs are good enough, then I can work for him without any NEWTs."

"Why would he say that to you? Surely you'd have to show some potential or something. From what I know, you haven't even met him before." I smirked at him.

"Actually, I have. He was very impressed that night at the Ministry when I flipped off a couple of Death Eaters." He stared at me in disbelief, before smirking at whatever excuse his mind had made to stop me from getting this job.

"You can't have a job and go to school."

"That's just it. I'm dropping out of school." As I said that, his eyes widened with anger.

"What?!" He roared, stepping closer to me. I guess he was trying to be intimidating. It wasn't really working though.

"I said I'm dropping out of school. If I get this job that is. But don't worry Dad," I pushed past him, and strode back towards the fronr door. "Mr Moody also said that I still have to go to Hogwarts every Friday, so that I can get my NEWT in Defence Against the Dark Arts." I smiled at him, before throwing open the door, and walking out into the cooling breeze.

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