Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 17

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"Amelie! We're going now!" Harry called from the common room.


"So, do you like it?" Neville asked, nervously.

"Neville, I love it." Just as I was saying that, some mistletoe grew magically above our heads. I grinned, and stood on my tiptoes, quickly kissing Neville on the lips.

"Happy Christmas Neville!" I shouted before going out to Harry, leaving a stunned Neville staring after me.


I ran into the common room to find Harry and Hermionie waiting impatiently for me.

"Where's Ron, and the others?" I asked, looking round for the weasleys.

"Mr Weasley got attacked, they've gone already to see him."

"Oh my god, is he okay?!"

"Luckily. They only found him because of Harry's vision." I turned to Harry who looked embarassed.

I smiled warmly at him.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked, I nodded and grabbed my suitcase.

"Ok, everyone grab the portkey." I reached out to grab the old boot, and we began frantically spinning in the air.

"Ok, now everyone let go NOW!" I let go and was flung to the ground. I brushed down my jeans and pushed myself up onto my feet. We were in the middle of a muggle street. 15 houses, all the same, stood in a row in front of us.

"Where are we? Where's Ron's house?" I asked, as Hermionie picked up the old boot and placed it in her bag. Harry just pulled out his wand, and pointed it between two buildings. There was a low rumbling as the two buildings pulled apart, revealing another, more dilapidated house inbetween.

"Wow" I breathed, as Hermionie dragged me up the steps and into the house.

"This is the Order of the Phoenix headquarters." She whispered. "It's like a safe house." I nodded, and crossed the doorway into the dark and dusty house.

"Ron!" I shouted, as Ron walked into the hallway. I ran and crushed him into a hug, and the Fred and George who had just stepped out of another room.

"This place is awesome!!" I shouted, as I followed Harry and the others into what I believed was the dining room. In there sat Mr Weasley, with Mrs Weasley in the kitchen.

"Hello, Mr Weasley." I shook his hand gently. He still looked pretty damaged.

"Hello, you must be Amelie." I smiled warmly, and nodded.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better, thanks to Harry over there."

"Really, it was nothing." Harry said, embarassed.

"It wasn't nothing, boy, you saved my life! Anyway I've got someone I'd like you to meet." Out of the shadows stood a man, his dark curly hair reached his shoulders, and he looked tough, and wise. He grinned at Harry, seeming nice enough. I remembered him from somewhere...where had I seen him before...

"Sirius!" Harry shouted, running into his arms. Sirius, Sirius, where had I heard that name before...And then I remembered. Sirius was the man from Snape's memories. The man who had made him become the coldhearted unemotional man he was now. He was the reason why Snape couldn't care about me. It was his bullying that stopped Snape from showing any kindness towards me.

Sirius turned to me.

"So you must be Amelie, I don't believe we've met before. I'm Sirius, Harry's godfather." He held out his hand for me to shake, but I just walked up to him and slapped him across the face.

Everyone just stood there, shocked. And Sirius looked suprised.

"What was that for?" He asked, he didn't sound angry, just confused.

"You're the reason my Dad won't love me." I said, and stormed up to the room I would be sharing with Hermionie. Wow, did I really just call Snape my Dad?! There must be something wrong with me...

I collapsed on my bed and started crying. What was wrong with me? I had gotten used to Snape not caring about me, so why did I get so angry when I saw Sirius. The man who made Snape not love me...

My confused thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at the door, and Sirius entered the room.

He walked over to my bed, and sat down next to me.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." I mumbled, feeling ashamed. I really needed to control my temper.

"That's ok... What did you mean before? When you said that I'm the reason your Dad won't love you? Who's your Dad?" I sighed.

"Snape." Sirius looked shocked.

"Snivel-Snape has a child?" I nodded.

"He adopted me."

"Oh. So why is it my fault he wont love you?" I suddenly turned angry. Did he really not know?! Did he not realise what he did when he was younger?!!

"If you hadn't been so cruel to him, maybe he would actually show some emotion!" I shouted, my blood was boiling.

"Maybe he would be capable of caring about me, just the tiniest bit!!" The lamp next to me shattered. Calm down Amelie, being angry wont help. I looked up at Sirius, who looked shocked at my outburst.

"Sorry...Sorry...It's just that...." Sirius placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok, I understand. But you need to know, Snape wasn't exactly nice to us either." I nodded.

"I's just so frustrating...because no matter what I do... he still seems to hate me." I looked down at my feet, embarassed.

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you...he just struggles to show his emotions." I nodded, and smiled at him.

"Thank you for understanding, Harry is really lucky to have you." He smiled down at me.

"Come on, you're missing the feast!!" Ron shouted from downstairs. Trust him to think about food. I ran down the stairs and threw myself into the seat next to Fred. Mrs Weasley, who asked me to call her Molly, placed a massive roast chicken down on the table. The table was covered in enough food for 20 people, but Ron still managed to eat his way through half of it.

"So, Amelie, I hear that Snape is your father?" Mr Weasley asked, making me spit my food out.

"What?!...I mean, I supose so..." He raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"He adopted me at the beginning of the year, but he's not my father."

"Really? It's just that you two look so alike..." Wow, that was suprising.

"Oh." Was all I could say, before I excused myself from the table, Hermionie too.

"I didn't know that Snape was your Dad?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"He's my 'adoptive Dad'. Anyway, I didn't think that it was important. It's not like he's my real Dad..."

Hermionie nodded, and we trudged up the stairs to our room. I collapsed onto my bed, falling into a deep sleep.

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