Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 14

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Neville held back her arms, as Harry forced the antidote into her mouth. She was struggling, but soon enough, she calmed down.

"She's going to be quite drowsy and confused for a day or two, but after that she should be fine." And with that, she fell asleep where she was standing.

"Take her to her room." They nodded, before turning round, and carrying her towards the door. They were just about to leave when Neville turned round.

"I still haven't forgiven you for what you did to her." And then they left.


Amelie's P.O.V.

I awoke in my bed, the covers tucked roughly round me. The dorm room was empty. I threw off the covers, and padded over to the window. Remembering what had happened to me before I fell asleep. I hurriedly dressed myself, slung my back over my shoulder, and ran down to the dining hall. As I'd expected, no one was there, I'd slept through breakfast! 'I'll just have to live without breakfast' I thought as I ran to my first lesson. Potions.

I gulped, before timidly pushing open the door. 20 faces turned to face me. 10 sneering at me, and 10 smiling.

"Nice of you to join us, Miss Leveridge" Snape said sarcastically. I made my way to the seat next to Neville, and got out my books. Neville sat smiling at me, and I tucked my hair behind my ears.

"Today you will be making Girding Potion. As you haven't been here for the past 3 lessons, you may pair up with Mr Longbottom. Who knows, maybe your talent will rub off on him." Snape just stared down at us, as I smiled at Neville.

After 20 minutes, a golden potion sat bubbling in the cauldron in front of us. Snape waltzed over to us.

"Very good Miss Leveridge. Your partner doesn't seemed to have hindered your work too much." Neville scowled at him. He really seems to hate Snape now.

"How are you feeling Amelie?" Snape asked, his voice hushed. It was the first time he had actually sounded like he cared about me. I stared up at him in shock.

"I...I..I.." Snape raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm feeling much better sir." I finally pulled myself together. His lips twitched, as though trying to smile, before he went over to Malfoy, who was glaring at me. Hopefully now that he knew Snape was my 'father' he would leave me alone.

When we left class, I pulled Neville to the side to talk to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked, holding onto his shoulder.


"You just seem to be really angry at Snape.."

"Well, he did hit you." I just looked at him.

"I did wind him up though.."

"That doesn't mean that he should attack you!"

"He didn't 'attack me'! He slapped me, I was attacked by a troll and he saved me..." I was suddenly very confused. Neville sighed with frustration, and sat down next to where I'd perched myself on the windowsill.

I looked up at him

"Why do you care...?"

"Because you're my...friend.." He said, clasping my hand firmly in his. I smiled at him.

"Thank you." He squeezed my hand, before dragging me off to our next lesson. We didn't notice Snape standing watching us.


Snape's P.O.V.

Seeing her holding hands with Neville made me clench my fists. After having her as my daughter for a couple of months, I had grown very protective of her. Even if I didn't show that I cared. And now she was defending me. I had a strange feeling in my chest. I was pride... How had I - the unemotional, heartless Severus Snape - grown to care for such an unfuriating little teenager?! It completley stumped me.


Amelie's P.O.V.

At dinner, I sat next to Neville, who kept smiling and staring at me. It was sweet really. What wasn't so sweet were the glares we were recieving from Snape. He sure knows how to confuse me. One minute he seems to care about me, then next he hates me?!

When I left the hall, I was ambushed by a group of my friends. Harry, Ron, Hermionie, Neville, Fred, George and some other's surrounded me.

"Listen Amelie " Harry said in a hushed voice. Inriguing. "As Umbridge has refused to teach us how to defend ourselves, we thought we'd take matters into our own hands."

"Harry's gonna teach us how to fight!!"Ron whisper-shouted. "Do you want to join us?" I thought about it for all of a second before replying.

"Sure!!" Chorsuses of 'great' and 'awesome' filled the group as we began walking down the corridor.

"Does our group have a name then?" I asked Neville, holding onto his hand.

"Dumbledore's Army." I smiled.

"Awesome." We suddenly stopped walking and turned to face a blank wall.

"What are we doing here?" I asked no one in particular. Suddenly, a door appeared on the wall, and swung open to reveal an empty room, the walls covered in mirrors.

"Is this..."

"The room of requirement!" Hermionie finished my sentence.

"Wow!" I breathed. "How did you find it..?"

"We have Neville to thank for that" Harry replied. I looked up at Neville, who was smiling sheepishly, and chuckled.

I walked to the centre of the room, and span round in circles, trying to take it all in.

"It's massive" I breathed, Neville smiled at me.

"Now, today we are going to work on the Patronus charm."

"Just point your wand, think of your happiest memory and say 'expecto patronum'." A beautiful blue light came from the end of his wand, producing a stag, that pranced around the room.

"Expecto Patronum!" I shouted, blue light fizzled from the end of my wand, but no animal was formed.

"Think of your happiest memory, Amelie"

I thought about my first day at Hogwarts. And when I met Neville. My first, and best friend.

"Expecto Patronum!" The blue light coming from my wand created a huge snake, that slivered through the air.

I just stood there, staring at it, just like everyone else.

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