Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 10

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"Sorry, but I have to go somewhere, will you be okay on your own?"

I nodded, as he squeezed my shoulder, and walked away. I started making my way to the Gryffindor common room, blood dripping from my hand onto the floor, tears threatening to spill over. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Who's there?" I asked, trying to sound braver than I felt. Snape had warned me about walking the corridors alone at night, but being my stubborn self, I paid no attention. The foosteps grew closer, as I went to draw my wand, a flash of white light knocked it out of my hand, and flew me towards the wall. I'd hit my head pretty hard, and my eyes were swimming. Out of the darkness came Draco, Caitlin and their little drones Crabbe and Goyle.


I staggered to my feet, as the gang of slytherins made a semicircle infront of me. Malfoy stepped forward, and held his wand up to my throat.

"We don't want your kind here, mudblood." He sneered, crushing me against the wall. My eyes were wide with fear, no matter how hard I'd tried to hide it. My hand was throbbing now, and a tear escaped my eye. They laughed evilly at me. I looked the other way, to see Snape storming up the corridor towards us. Malfoy released me, and I fell to the floor, clutchin my wounded hand, blood now drumming through my head.

"You four, what are you doing in the corridors, out of hours?! Get to your dorms. I don't want to have to take points off our house." He glared at them, and they hurried down the corridor, towards the slytherin common room. He then turned his glare to me.

"Get up." He said, and I struggled to my feet, leaning on the windowsill for support.

"Why weren't you at your detention?" He asked, no emotion in his voice.

"Umbridge, gave me detention too." I said, glaring at him. He grumbled something, and looked at the ground next to my foot, where a pool of blood had formed.

"You're hurt?" He asked, for the first time, he sounded like he could have actually cared, but I knew otherwise.

"Not that you'd care." I sneered, walking towards him, swaying a little from when I hit my head.

"Don't talk to me like that!!" He growled, as I walked right up to him.

"Why not?!" I shouted, raising my eyebrow.

"Because I'm your father!!"

"No, you're not. You can never be my father. A father cares for his child. He loves them no matter what. You barely even like me. I'm just a constant dissapointment to you, aren't I!" I shouted, as he scowled at me. I saw some unknown emotion flicker in his eyes, before he began shouting back.

"You insolent little child! How dare you speak to me like that! I took you in when no one else would, and this is how you treat me?! You disrespectful little mudblood!" How dare he call me that! How dare he say that! My parents were a million times better than he is! I paused for a second, trying to think of something to say, and then I remembered a memory, I had read of his. He didn't even realise I knew what Legilimency was, let alone how to use it.

"How dare you insult my parents, Snivellus!" I shouted, with a look on my face that said 'that's right, I know about Snivellus'.

"Don't call me that." He growled, his eyes full of anger. At least they had an emotion.

"What? Snivellus?! Snivellus Snivellus Snivellus Snivelu-" I started taunting him, but was cut off when he slapped me across the face. He slapped me. He'd actually slapped me! I put a hand to my stinging cheek and gave him the most hateful glare I could muster, before storming out of the castle, windows and bulbs smashing as I passed.


Snape's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that I'd hit her. I swore to myself that I'd never hit her. I saw a look of pure hatred and unbridled anger in her eyes, before she stormed out away from me.

Dumbledore had warned me about her temper, but I didn't quite believe him, until she stormed out of the castle, her anger causing windows and bulbs to smash beside her.

'I have to go follow her' I thought, as I began to chase the girl out of the castle. I knew that she could do some serious damage to anyone she crossed, as well as herself. As much as I despised her for raking up my past and using legilimency to find out about Snivellus, I didn't want to see her get hurt. I knew that I'd crossed a line with that mudblood remark, and now she hated me. She thought that I didn't care about her. And that hurt me more than I would ever let on.

I ran out of the back gate of the castle, my cloak flapping wildly behind me, trying to find where that stupid child had gone.


Amelie's P.O.V.

I ran out of the castle, not caring wether Snape was following me or not. I knew that he didn't care about me. All I wanted to do was make him proud, to make him care about me as a daughter, but I knew that was impossible. I was just a nuisance to him. I stopped running, and found myself in the middle of the forbidden forest.

"Oh crap. Oh crap!" I span round in circles, trying to find a way out. The forbidden forest was, well, forbidden, what with all the werewolves and god know's what else hiding amongst the trees. I heard rustling in the trees behind me, and span round, grabbing for my wand.

"Darn it!" I grumbled, I'd left my wand in the castle, when that bunch of slytherin had attacked me.

Suddenly, I was thrown against a tree, and looked up to see Draco sneering at me.

"Get up, you filthy mudblood." He shouted, pointing his wand at me. I tried to stand up, but I was too dizzy. Hitting my head earlier, and the steady stream of blood flowing from my hand had made me weak. Draco grabbed my collar and pulled me roughly to my feet.

"Snape's not here to save you now" He growled, pointing the wand at my temple. He was just about to strike a curse, when a loud stomping sound came from behind us. The colour drained from Draco's face, as he stumbled away from me, and began running out of the forest. I laughed with relief, before turning round to see a giant standing just 3 feet away from me. I screamed, as it lunged towards me.


Snape's P.O.V.

I saw her run into the forbidden forest, so I began sprinting. On a full moon like tonight, the forest would be full of werewolves. Dumbledore would have my neck if anything happened to her! I never stopped to think that I might just care about her, and went into the forest.

That idiotic Maloy boy ran past me, fear etched into his face, I glared at him, and he began sprinting. If that boy had done anything to Amelie I sware I would- My thoughts were cut short when I heard Amelie screaming, from a clearing just infront of me.

I pushed through the last few branches, and saw a giant, clutching Amelie in his giant fist. I could see her struggling, and slowly growing tired. Her face was pale, and I could see a trail of blood, glinting in the moonlight, that led to where she was being held. She was getting weaker by the second, as the giants fist grew tighter. Fear gripped my heart, as I ran towards the beast.

"Let go of my daughter!!" I yelled, aiming my wand at the giants head. It looked down at me, as I shouted :

"Petrificus Totalus!" A blinding white light shot at the giant, causing it to freeze, and let go of Amelie, who fell limply to the ground.

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