Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 5

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"Here" he said, pushing through to a small dining hall.

I followed him in, smiling at Professor Dumbledore who sat at a table in the centre.

I walked towards him, and sat down beside him, with Snape opposite. Great, just great. I get to spend all evening having a glaring contest with the oh-so-brilliant Professor Snape.

Yeah, I was so looking forward to being Severus Snape's adoptive Daughter. Yay <not>.


A few seconds later, a tall, strict looking women, who's greying hair was tied tightly to her head in a bun, marched in the door, a short little man with a dark moustache, and a plump elderly woman following. I later learned that they were called Professor Minerva McGonagall, head of Gryfindor house and Transfiguration teacher, Professor Filius Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw house and Charms professor, and finally Professor Pomona Sprout, head of Hufflepuff house and Herbology professor. Turns out, Professor Snape was head of Slyverin house, as well as being the professor of Potions.

After we were all sat down, Professor Dumbledore waved his wand, and a feast appeared before us. Piles of sandwiches, meats, vegetables, pastries, cakes, bread and sweets were materialised on the middle of the table. My eyes widened with shock, as I saw just how much food was there. After spending years eating food scraps on the streets, and miniscule meals in the orphanages, I had never seen that much food before.

"Go on Amelie, tuck in." Professor Dumbledore said, gesturing at the mountains of food before me.

"Is this, all for us?" I asked, still a little shocked. Dumbledore chuckled.

"Of course it is, Amelie, I thought you deserved a proper meal for once..."


Snape's P.O.V

The girl who sat before me was as thin as a rake. She looked as if she hadn't eaten for weeks, and dark bags hung beneath her eyes. As Albus summoned the food, I watched curiously as her hateful glare towards me, turned into a look of shock. I think Albus might have overdone it a bit on the food. I placed a couple of vegetables on my plate, and ate them slowly, watching curiously as Amelie wolfed down the mountain of food on her plate. She was like some starved animal. And I was the lucky man who would have to tame her. Great.

Once we had all finished eating, Albus quietly spoke to me:

"Severus, would you mind taking Miss Leveridge back to her-your quarters, I think that she's had quite enough excitement for one day?" I sighed. I knew that was a demand, not a question. I roughly pushed my chair out and stood up.

"Child, come, we are going back to ...our quarters" It felt strange to say that. Our. I'd never had to share my quarters with anyone before. I was perfectly happy on my own. But now I was stuck with that hateful brat.

Amelie scowled at me, and excused herself from the table, saying goodbye to the other professors. She then looked back at me, with an irritated look on her face. I span round on my heel, and began striding out of the dining room as quick as possible, not bothering to check wether Amelie was following.

I had no time to waste on this child. What was Dumbledore thinking, making her my responsibility. I hated children, and this child in particular. She always wore an expression on her face that made you think that she had sussed you out. And I hated that. Insolent child.

I marched into my office, and slammed the door behing Amelie. When I turned back round, I found her glaring at me. Again.

"You are to go to bed now, child" I said, in my bored, monotonal voice.

She just stared at me.

I sighed with frustration. And she just continued to glare at me.

"What is your problem?!" She demanded, her voice angry.

My rage was beginning to bubble over. How dare she speak to me like that?! I let her stay in my quarters, and had agreed, against my own will, to look after her, and then she speaks to me like that!! Ungrateful Muggle!

Before I could answer her, she began speaking again.

"I didn't ask for you to adopt me. It wasn't my choice. I'd rather be back on the streets than be stuck here with a moody old git like you!" She was shouting now, unaware just how close she was to crossing a line.

"You insolent little child!!" I responded, my low voice raised with anger "How dare you speak to me like that!! I have agreed to take care of you, and that's that. Do you think that I don't have better things to do with my time then take care of you?! IT WASN'T MY DECISION!"

I was fuming now. How dare she?! But through all my anger, I didn't see how I had hurt her. After she has been tossed from orphanage to orphanage most of her life, she had just started to think that she was wanted. That hogwarts wanted her. But now, she knew that was stupid. Afterall, I had just said that I didn't want her. The one person who was supossed to want her.

Tears brimmed in her onyx coloured eyes as she stomped into her quarters and slammed her door.

"Stupid overdramatic muggle" I grumbled, as I retreated into my quarters, and settled into a disturbed and fitful sleep.

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