Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 31

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This is dedicated to Lolcia1998 because she is such an amazing, devoted fan!! I totally suggest that you read her any of her amazing books!! They're brilliant!!

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!! It's one of the last few I'm going to write of this book!! Nearly finished!!!



"Where are you going Dad?" I stopped, and turned back to her, fighting a smile. Hearing her call me Dad, brought warmth to my heart, a warmth I couldn't let anyone see.

"To contact the order." She blinked, before understanding what I was saying.

"So you did know what he meant!" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not an idiot."I snapped, causing her to laugh.

"I'm just going to wait for the others. Say hi to Mr and Mrs Weasley for me." I grunted in response. I don't care much for those people. Too happy, for one thing.

"Stay out of trouble. If I see you in that office again, you will have more than Umbridge to worry about." I said coldly, before striding back down to the dungeons, and my office.

Chapter 31

Snape's POV

I paced around my office, pondering whether I should alert the order that Sirius was in danger. I had told Amelie that I would, but I never promised.

But who would miss the man? Surely it would be better to let him get killed. One less person for me to hate. Afterall, he deserves it. I don't care that he didn't betray Lily, he still made my childhood a misery.

It would be easier for me to do nothing, it's not like I care whether the man is ok, but it still weighed heavy on my conscience.

I stormed over to the large window on the far wall. Normally it was completely hidden by thick black velvet drapes, blocking out the sunlight, as it was the only window in the dungeons to not be fully submerged by the lake.

I roughly hauled open the curtains, letting the early afternoon light spill out into my office, highlighting a trail of thick dust in the air. Maybe the serene image of the lake would calm my mind, and let me think seriously about whether I really wanted to cause the death of one of Lily's dearest friends.

Sighing heavily, I stared wistfully over the still waters, my heart skipping a beat when I looked up to the sky.

Potter and his friends. On thestrals. Flying. There was no doubt they were going to save Black, stupid Gryiffindor loyalty.

I cursed under my breath, when I caught sight of a familiar mop of dark golden hair, riding alongside Longbottom.


There was no kidding myself now, I had to tell the order. If not for Amelie's sake.

"Damn It!" I roared, storming over to the large granite fireplace.

"12 Grimmauld place!" I shouted, throwing a handful of floo powder, as hard as I could into the hearth.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid girl!" I muttered, as the green flamed leapt up and engulfed me, transporting me to the order headquarters.

"Ahh Severus, I've been expecting you." Albus trilled from a worn golden armchair, in the corner of the living room. He wore an immaculate, beaded robe in a pale blue, and his silver spectacles perched precariously on his crooked nose.

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