Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 28

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I gazed into her eyes, and saw the same look of love I had seen a decade and a half ago. Before I knew what was happening she had crushed my lips with hers, and I was pulling her closer. It felt the same as it did all those years ago. It still gave me that feeling of warmth, and tenderness, that found a way to thaw my heart. It was a perfect moment. Or it would have been if Amelie hadn't ruined it.

"And another thing I-" Amelie burst in the door, and froze, as she saw us. Her face paled, and she looked almost disgusted.

"Amelie I..." I was about to explain myself when she span round, and ran out the room, leaving us staring after her, still holding onto eachother.

Chapter 28

Snape's POV

"Amelie!" I shouted after her, but she just carried on running.

"Severus." Lucinda walked over to me, placing a hand on my arm in a way that was supossed to be reasurring, but just made my blood boil.

"I think you need to go." I growled, staring irritatedly into her sorrowful eyes.


"Just GO Lucinda!!" I roared. She took a step backwards, biting her lip to stop herself from crying.

"Severus-" I glared at her, a spine chilling glare, of which she seemed to get the point, and left the room leaving me to my thoughts.

"Damn it!" I shouted, slamming the door open and storming down the corridor, in the direction Amelie had taken.

"Password?" The sickly sweet voice of the fat lady called out from the doorway of the Gryffindor common room, as I tried to find Amelie.

"I don't have the password. But I need you to open this door now! I am a professor and-"

"If you have no password, then I can't let you in." She said in a snooty voice.

"Just open the damn door!" I barked.

"There's no need to be rude." She looked down her nose at me, disgusted by my lack of manners.

"Listen. If you don't open this door right now, I will have you turned into sawdust. Understood?!" I snarled, stepping towards the painting in a menacing manner.

"Hmmph." She opened the door, glaring at me the whole time.

"Finally." I muttered, pushing my way into the room.

"Amelie?!"I shouted. A small group of first-year Gryffindors looked up from their game of cards, only to cower slightly at my appearence.

"You!" I pointed a long, pale finger at a frightened asian girl. Enjoying the feeling of power that I had over them.

"Y..y...yes sir." She stammered, forcing herself onto her feet.

"Go and check whether Amelie Leveridge is in her room." She gulped, and nodded, before retreating up to the girls dormintories.

The boys continued to stare at me, so I sneered at them, causing them to quickly look away.

Smirking, I walked towards the base of the stairs, of which the young girl was ascending.

"She...she's in her room s..sir." She stammered, avoiding my gaze.

"Good." I went to walk up the stairs, but she was standing in the way.

"Move."I growled, making her shiver with fright.

"I..I'm sorry s..sir, but she asked not to be disturbed." I glared ferociously at her, to which she yelped, and ran away.

Amelie Leveridge and Severus SnapeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora