Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Chapter 24

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"Hey Malfoy!" I called, as we passed him in the corridor. His face went even paler, and he stared at me with wide eyes.

"What? But I though...I killed you, didn't I?"

"You did." I responded eerily.

And with that, he fainted. We burst out laughing.

"Come on Neville, lets go back to the common room." I dragged Neville round the body of Draco, and down the corridor to our common room.


I awoke to the sound of low pitched chattering.

"Wh..huh.." I mumbled, slowly sitting up and opening my eyes.

"Ahh!!" I jumped, as I saw Harry sitting at the end of my bed, a grin plastered across his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, pulling the covers further round my body.

"I've got awesome news!!"

"So that means that you need to come into the girls dormintory, at half six in the morning?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yup." I sighed.

"Go on then, tell me. But then you need to leave, cos I gotta get dressed." He nodded.

"You're on the quidditch team!!"

"Oh my god!!! Seriously!!!"

"Yeah!! You're a chaser!!" I squealed with happiness.

"That is so awesome!! You still gotta leave though." I said, pointing at the door.

"I know." Harry laughed, and walked towards the door.

"Don't forget! Practice is tonight, before our D.A. meeting." Harry shouted over his shoulder, as he left the dorm.

I ran round the room, and hurriedly shoved all my school stuff in the bag Hermionie had got me, as well as the new quidditch uniform Harry had left on my bed. After showering and changing into my uniform, I set off trying to find my broom.

"Hermionie!!" I whined, rummaging through my trunk.

"Have you seen my broom?!"

"Check under your bed!" She called from the bathroom.

"Oh, right!" I'm such an idiot 'sometimes'. I rolled under my bed, and rolled back out with a dust covered broom in my hand. Hermionie stood watchin me, shaking her head slightly.

"What? What's wrong with rolling?" I asked innocently. She laughed, and walked out of the dorm.

I looked down at the broom in my hands. It really was the worst money could buy. It never did what I wanted, and went the same speed as a garden snail. I really need a new broom. Maybe Snape would get me one if he knew I was on the quidditch team...

"I guess I'll have to go see Sevy." I thought as I chucked the crappy broom in my bag, and ran down stairs.

"Amelie!" I was bombarded by Fred and George as soon as I set foot in the common room.

"Guys. I need air. You're crushing me!!"

"We can't believe your on the quidditch team!!" Fred said, as they released me from their killer hug.

"Why? Am I really that bad at it?" I grinned at them. They grinned back.

"Amelie!" A familiar voice called from the other side of the room.

"Neville!" I ran over and crushed him in a killer hug of my own.

"Well done for making the quidditch team." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the great hall corridor, the others following.

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