04 | rumors

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Joe: This isn't going to work out. I'm sorry.

Jane (Liv): Goodbye, Joe.




"Great to be back," she moaned. I felt saddened knowing that her eyes lit up so much more her first day at set. Now she seemed to have realized the reality of Hollywood and how awful people can be.  She pointed at one of the extras, who was screaming at an innocent worker for probably something stupid, like they sent the wrong fruit basket or whatever. "Love the great atmosphere."

"Shut it," I snapped, elbowing her lightly. Did I elbow her too hard? Instead, she grinned back at me, and I felt relieved.

My mom jumped in front of us and took my arm, wrapping it around Arielle's shoulder without a word. She pushed Arielle more into my hold and said, "Smile!" We followed her instructions and she snapped a picture before leaving us alone again.

"That's Lara, my manager . . and my mom." She nodded, pushing my arm off her shoulder. I continued, "Come on, let's find David, err, Mr. Cooper, as you'll probably be calling him for the next few weeks."

She followed me into David's office, in which he was yelling at Liv for her recent interview.

"You called her a what?" David growled. "You have fans, Liv! They look up to you!"

"Well they better find a new role model because we all know that I'm not going to turn out all rainbows and kittens in the end of all this bull," she said.

"Just stop it already!" David screeched. "Can't you for once act mature? You are twenty years old, nearly the same age as Aaron, and yet you can't act proper during a simple interview?"

"David," I cleared my throat.

He saw the sight of Arielle and looked delighted, completely forgetting about his situation with Liv. "Arielle, you made it!" David said happily. Once I showed him her auditions, he fell in love with her acting capability and had an entire new perspective of her. Before, he would've growled to see her here. Now, not so much. He walked over to her and rested his hand on her shoulder. "You're going to make ratings rise for this show! I've already spoken with your manager, Rebecca, and we've organized plans to sign your contract and create your schedule for the show. Since you've already graduated high school, everything will fit into place! I'm so sorry for any inconvenience with the media, I promise I'll-"

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