Part Seven

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Alyssa was sitting on Nathan's lap on the bed, one pair of hands interlocked as Alyssa smiled to the gray eyes above, Nathan's fingers toying with her long brown hair. They were interrupted by the message tone on Nathan's phone. He looked over to where it was laying on the bed, then froze. He slowly looked down, to see Alyssa's shocked gaze; she must have both seen and read it too.
I really like you. A lot. :) -Stephanie. The phone flashed.
Alyssa sat for a moment, then cleared her throat. She slowly pulled her hand away and stood. Alyssa walked to the doorway, and stood there for a moment, her shaking hand hovering above the doorknob. "I'm going." She whispered.
Nathan sat for a second, then stood. "Please, Alyssa. Let me explain, I really-" he attempted.
"No!" Alyssa said, still facing away. "I don't need an explanation. I don't want an explanation." She said in a cracking voice, hand on the doorknob now.
"Just tell me why you're mad! You may not want me to explain, but I want you to!" He retorted.
Alyssa turned to him, and said in a shaky voice "You tell me you like me. I tell you I like you. You act as my boyfriend longer than I actually had one. I like you when I had one, and I like you after. Yet all you can talk about is Stephanie." She said, hissing her name. "We kissed and she said she really likes you; you expect me to be ok?! How could I be?" Tears began to well in her eyes.
"Sorry..." He whispered, barely audible.
"Why? What caused her to say this? Do you like her? Because you're obviously welcome to date her, and you're welcome to date me; but you have a decision to make here."
"You can't put something like that on me!" He told her, nearly shouting. "And you can't leave now!"
"Watch me." She said, opening the door and turning.
"Wait!" Nathan said, but Alyssa didn't stop. He reached out and pulled her arm, whipping her around, causing his soft lips to interlock with hers. She pulled back, lip quivering. "This isn't a fairy tale. A kiss won't save this." Alyssa said softly, to Nathan's sad eyes. They looked at each other, and she opened her mouth again, about to speak. He put a finger over her lips, stopping her. "I choose you. Forever, and always, you."
A single tear rolled down her cheek, and he softly kissed her forehead. "You need to get home," he said. "I'll walk you."

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