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You can run, you can hide
But you can't escape my love

Here's how it goes, you and me, up and down
But maybe this time we'll get it right, worth the fight
'Cause love is something you can't shake
When it breaks
All it takes is some trying

If you feel like leaving
I'm not gonna beg you to st...

Squinting my eyes I searched for my phone on the bedside table and with luck, which I usually don't have,  I found it. I stopped the alarm and looked at the time.
"Ehhh... Is it already 6? " Thinking that a fifteen-minutes long sleep won't make me late I re-did the alarm setting and placed my phone next to my pillow and readjusted myself in my tiny single bed.

"It won't hurt to sleep a little more," I mumbled to no one in particular and wrapped myself in the warm blanket and slipped into my dreamland again. A moment later the alarm started blaring again.

"Arggg... Can't a girl sleep a little longer?"

Searching the screen to stop the alarm I tapped some random thing on my phone but the sound kept on blaring and then I realized it wasn't even my alarm song. Arg! Who the fickle is so damn deaf to listen that high volume of music?

I tried getting out of the cocoon I made myself with my beloved blanket but ended up getting entangled in it more. And few seconds later...


I fell off my bed, my face kissing the floor. Seriously I need to change this morning routine or else my face will permanently become flat.

"Ouch!" That really hurt, but that sound didn't come from me. I'm damn sure from where it came and who made that sound. I swear someday I'll hit him so badly that he will scream more than just 'Ouch'.

I pushed my psychotic thoughts aside and stood on my feet with a red face. A bush of black messy hair came in my line of sight. Beside that everything was blurred. I picked my glasses from the side table and put them on. My eyes focused on another pair of glasses which were hiding blue eyes with a hint of amusement which was clearly caused due to my morning ritual. Glad I am his daily source of entertainment. Maybe I should start charging him. I narrowed my eyes on the tail-less, hornless son of a devil.

Ladies and gentlemen! Meet my least favorite or to say most hated neighbor. The devil's spawn, Ian Carter. Now you may think he must be some hot bad boy with a body like a Greek god. But sorry to burst your bubble, sweetie, he was neither your cliche bad boy nor a cute boy next door (Maybe a little cute but if you tell him that I told you, I'll kill you and dispose of your body in the dead sea).

He was an evil geek cum nerd who loved making me miserable on every possible occasion. And now you may ask how it is possible that he was my very first morning view after waking up. Well, our apartments are so made that our bedroom windows are face to face, and precisely two and a half feet apart (I measured it when I was planning to flood his room with water by passing a pipe over to his room connected to my bathroom).

"I love it when I make you blush with my hotness," Ian said while appreciating or more like making fun of my bruised face which was red both because of falling and embarrassment since there was a witness of my epic fall and that too, none other than Ian himself. But now my face grew hotter by another few degrees because of anger. I was fuming. "Yeah, right. Your hotness." I sneered. "I'm in no mood to talk about your non-existing hotness, Ian. Can't you keep the volume of your damn music down. It's so loud that I bet Mrs. Grayson can hear it from the first floor."

Sitting on his table and facing me, he said, "Actually, I think Mrs. Grayson likes my choice of music. Last time I went to see her, she even told me to raise the music louder. She can't hear it clearly. You know right, what with her partial deafness. So..." He increased the volume further and smirked at me. Oh, how I would loved to slap that smirk off his face.

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