Chapter 23

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There's something happening here

There's something here that I just can't explain

I know I'm where I belong

Deep down inside I am no longer lost!

I won't let you go  

- I won't let you go (Snow Patrol)


It was so foggy and on top of that, I didn't have my glasses. Talk about being blind. I never missed my glasses more. Squinting my eyes, though it was of no use, I tried guessing the person coming closer to me. If he was another one of the gang members I was so dead.

"Ms. Taylor! Is that you?"

I'm pretty sure gangbangers are not that polite. Had a good example just a while back. All the bruises on my body can sincerely vouch for that.

"Yes!" My voice was all cracked up. I don't even know if he heard me properly. In the next few minutes, I was helped to get up and was escorted to a less smoky place. I could finally see clearly. Well clearly as I could without my glasses. There were dozens of FBI people wearing those bulletproof vests and gas masks. Most of them were facing towards the inner portion of the warehouse with their guns out in alert. They were slowly inching inside.

I was much closer to the entrance. Looking out I saw many more of FBI agents. The gang members who must have been guarding outside were on their knees. Hands cuffed behind their backs. Black vans and cars occupied the rest of the area.

An agent wearing the same bulletproof vest rushed towards me. "Chasity. I'm Agent North."

"Agent North? You were the one who came... "

"Yes. And thank god I came or I wouldn't have known any of these."

A bucket full of embarrassment doused over me. "So you actually came to help us." I gave out an awkward chuckle. "I'm sorry we didn't believe you."

"No need to apologize. You were just being cautious. But though you should have been cautious with other agents too." He shook his head lightly. "When you didn't open the door for a long time I took a detour around the house. At first, I thought I lost you but getting on the main road I saw a van pulling in front of you two. The whole scene looked suspicious so I called for backup. Till the time I could reach you or the backup could come you people were gone. But I had noted the number plate of the van already which helped us to trace you."

"Thank you very much. Really."

"It's what we do." His eyes traced the bruises over my body. "You need medical attention. Come I'll take you to the ambulance."

"No! I'm not going anywhere. Ian's still inside."

"Don't worry. We'll get him out safely. Trust us."

"I know you're the good one and all. But the last time I trusted an FBI agent I got myself knocked out and kidnapped. I'll stay here."

"But you're badly injured."

"I'm perfectly okay." I folded my hands over my chest emphasizing my point which was a bad idea. A painful winch escaped my mouth as my arms touched my definitely broken ribs.

Agent North eyed me distrustfully.

"Look. I can't leave Ian. I just cannot. I swear once I see Ian safe and sound I'll listen to everything you say," I said pleadingly. "Please. Let me be here."

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