Chapter 22

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Ramone's face transformed into an ugly sneer with his eyes fixed on me. Chills ran down my spine. If I was afraid before then the fear that grasped me now was completely off the chart. All my senses told me to take off right at that moment. But it was easy said than done. I couldn't even if I tried. That much I knew.

I looked over Ian and his face reflected the same fear. All the calmness he displayed earlier was nowhere to be seen. But sure he must have known that I was kept alive only to be used as a leverage for the right moment. Even I knew that though I was successfully keeping myself in denial. Somehow I was still wishing for all this to be a big prolonged nightmare from which I would wake up anytime. Of course, not the part where Ian confessed his feelings.

Ramone started but Damian interrupted him. "Let me take care of this."

"Ah! At last, you spoke. Very well then." Ramone smiled like a Cheshire cat only it wasn't just insane but it looked deadly too. "Just don't go overboard. We don't want her to die right away."

Damian walked around the table, approaching me stealthily. My eyes were going back and forth between him and Ian. Ian's face was completely pale. Devoid of any color.

"Stay away from her!" He cried.

Ramone laughed wickedly. "If you want the girl to be untouched just do what we want." The internal conflict Ian was going through could be seen clearing on his face. He had done so much. Suffered so much to keep these people away from the money and get them behind the bars. But all his efforts were washing away in vain.

If it was some fictional story I, as a female protagonist, would have asked him to let me die. But it wasn't. I was not some fearless heroin. I didn't have that kind of courage. It sounds pathetic but it's what reality was.

Another thought crossed my mind. Even if Ian returned their money there was no guarantee that they would let us live. Either way, it was sure we would end up dead. The only difference would be the amount of pain we would suffer before our deaths.

I desperately looked at Ian but Damian's tall figure blocked my view. There was a hint of emotion appeared on his face. But it was nowhere near comforting. If anything it made him look more menacing than ever. As if he was waiting for this very moment. To see blood. To hear the painful screams. The lust to hurt someone was clearly visible on his partially stoic face. He was sadist through and through.

I took a step back only to be blocked by the hunk standing behind me. His large hands clamped down on my shoulders immobilizing me and eliminating any chance I had at escaping. All sorts of dreadful thoughts made way to my head. I closed my eyes waiting for the first blow. But instead, I heard a crashing sound followed by a scream and curses.

Opening my eyes, I saw Ramone on the floor and Ian was over him. Hitting him continuously. There was a trashed laptop nearby. The men were split-second away from pulling Ian away from Ramone. Damian was shocked and was looking over his shoulder with his body still turned towards me.

I don't know what came over me. Maybe Ian's resistance against Ramone or that I knew this was the only chance I had of escape. I kneed Damian with all my strength. He bent over with a cry.

The soul of Lara Croft must have taken over me because without wasting much time and with unbelievable reflex I turned around and punched at the throat of the bulky man. He was shocked too with what transpired before him and his hold on my shoulder had gone loose. Which made it easy for me to move and hence accomplish the punch.

My surprise assault gave me enough time to get away. I could have escaped if I was smart enough. But no. I was foolishly in love with the fool who was struggling against seven men and was still shouting at me to run. Like hell, I was going to leave him here.

I was done being alone. Done with people who couldn't care less about me. In my whole life, no one really noticed me but he did. Even though just to annoy the hell out of me. He was the only person who kept my life from turning into utterly boring and bleak. The one person who cared. And I was not going to abandon him. Even if it meant death for me. I would die happily beside him. Too cheesy, I know, but I was in love. People in love were stupid. Period.

I had only taken a step when I was pulled back by my hairs. Before I could grasp at what had happened I felt a powerful blow on my cheek. Blackness clouded my vision for a moment or two. The taste of metal flooded my mouth. Another blow and I landed on the floor. The moment my body hit the ground I felt a painful blow against my ribs and I cried out loud. There was no time gap between the blows.

Pain. It was the only thing I felt at that moment. My whole body was screaming in agony. I had just a second of a break between hits to crack open my eyes. Damian. He was bent over me and looked livid with anger. Like he was possessed. He was raining blows after blows. I curled my body into a ball to avoid getting direct hits to my vital organs. Although I knew I already have cracked few of my ribs.

I was going to die here.

Suddenly the incoming blows halted. My ears were buzzing but I could hear the sound of rushed footsteps and people shouting. Painfully I lifted my head to see what was going on. The whole place was covered in some kind of fog. It was hard to see. Nothing was clear except silhouettes of people running around.

"What the fuck is going on?" I heard Ramone shouting.

"It's the FBI!"

Relief swept over me. Maybe we were going to get out of this alive in fact. That thought didn't last longer.

"Get Welsh and kill the girl! We're getting out of here!"

What should I do now?

If I didn't move I was surely going to die. They already knew where I was. It won't take time before one of them would get their hands on me and I would be dead. Damian wasn't that far away in fact.

I started crawling through the smoke. My throat was burning. Eyelids were heavy and swollen. Each and every part of my body was protesting. Telling me not to move and just lay down. But my brain was wide away. Shouting at me to increase my speed.

"You're been surrounded! Do not try to escape!" A voice boomed inside the warehouse.

Where is that sound coming from? I have to get there somehow. Vaguely pinpointing the voice I started crawling. If only my body was that supportive. The more I moved the more pain I felt. It was hard to breathe even. My lungs were burning. I didn't even know how Ian was doing. But trying to reach him would be futile. The only thing I could do was to get some help.

It felt like forever as I kept crawling. Finally, I saw a figure coming closer. But the big question here was.

Was he a friend or a foe?



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-- Jags

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