Chapter 10

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Panic started welling up inside me. Starting from the deepest pit of my stomach and rising up. Making my heart pump double the speed. Constricting my throat. Those two men have found us! We're going to die! We're going to die!!


Ian's voice broke me out of my trance. He was already out of his seat ready to bolt out. But again. From where?

"We have to get out of this place. Now!"

"Who's that man?"

"I'll tell you later. But now we need to go." I glanced back at the man who was in clear view of us now. Another man in black. But definitely not one of the two who chased us yesterday.

Standing up, I glanced at the door. "There's only one exit. We can't go out from there. He'll see us."

Ian's eyes ran the length of the diner. "Kitchen! There must be a backdoor there. Come." He started moving towards the kitchen and I followed him. I looked over my shoulder towards the parking area before entering the kitchen to see if the man was there. And to our horror, he was walking towards the entry door of the diner.

In the panic, I pushed Ian forward with a little too much force and we both tumbled inside the kitchen. He somehow saved us both from kissing the floor. When we stood straight we met the confused and questioning stares of two men wearing white aprons and fishnets over their hair.

"Ay! No one's allowed in 'ere!" One of them with dark skin bellowed while waving a rolling pin. "Get outta 'ere! Ya kids!" Now we're dead.

I hid behind Ian and tightened my hold on Ian's T-shirt.

"Um...We were searching for a washroom." Great excuse Ian. Can you be any more lame?

Still waving his rolling pin as if it was a sword he advanced forward. "I know kids like ya. Horny all the time. Searchin for a corner." Whhhhaaattttt? Even in this situation where our lives were in peril, my cheeks burned at the thought of Ian and I doing anything remotely like that. "There ain't washrum down 'ere. Go!" What kind of accent is that? Never heard of it.

"My mistake. We'll leave now." I looked up at Ian's face thinking what we were going to do then. I tucked at his T-shirt wanting to ask what his plan was but suddenly he moved forward. I watched in surprise as he ripped the bag of flour placed on  the table top and swung it around the small kitchen. In a fraction of a second, everything turned white and nothing could be seen. I felt Ian's hand gripping mine and I knew now is the time to run.

Nothing was visible but Ian guided me out of the kitchen. But we didn't stop there. Our marathon was just started. I knew well he won't stop till we reach some safe place. So I ran without asking any question although I had tons of them.

The bus depot was sparsely crowded but as we ran further real crowd came into view. Buildings. Shops. Restaurants. If I didn't have my heart stuck in my throat I'd love to leisurely explore this place. The first thing I'd do is to pin down the birthplace of the kindest thing ever gifted to the human race. Kentucky fried chicken. Now thinking of that I felt hungry again although I just ate a burger. I knew I should have eaten Ian's burger too. Damn you. Curiosity. Even Ian was telling right. And he's not always right.

My legs' muscles started to burn. There was no way I could run anymore without getting a cramp so I slowed my speed to walking.

"Can't run anymore?" Ian slowed down too when he saw me.


"Well. I think we are quite a distance away from the diner now. We can take a stop."

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