Chapter 21

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Used to doing bad, now we feel like we just now getting it

Ain't got no other way so we started and finished it

No pain, no gain

Never stand down, made our own way

Never going slow, we pick up the pace

This is what we wanted from a young age

No emotion, that's what business is

Lord have mercy on the witnesses  

- Sucker for pain


The sudden ingress of light blinded me temporarily. As a reflex I shielded my eyes with my hands. That's when I felt a heavy hand landing on my shoulder. The next second I was wrenched out of Ian's arms in one single motion. I shrieked like banshee and flayed my hands out to grab Ian again. But I was already half way to the door. Ian stood up and rushed towards me. Out of nowhere two men appeared and grabbed him creating distance between us.

"Let her go!!"

Ian's shouts and my screams of protest bounced against the metal walls of the container. I thrashed violently against the hold but all I could do was to hurt myself instead. Whoever was pulling me must be really strong and big because he used just one hand to drag me out of the container. And he was no gentle doing it. During the protest one of my leg struck hard against its door. The pain resonated through my body. I wouldn't be surprised if it had suffered a fracture during the ordeal.

It was sunny outside and the air was breezy and a bit chilly. By the look of it, it was early morning I would say. The light was still harsh on my eyes. But soon they adjusted with it. Indeed, we were in a dockyard. But definitely one that has been desolated long ago. There was large heaps of rusted metal almost everywhere. Old and rusted boats were berthed. Large but certainly of obsolete technology cranes perched on the dock. The breeze blown from the sea carried a heavy salty taste with it. I could actually taste the combination of rust and salt on my tongue.

The man didn't stopped with his harsh handling there. No. He pulled me up to a standing position and tucked me forward roughly. The moment my weight fell on my legs a terrible pain shot through the right one and it buckled. My eyes teared up because of the sheer amount of pain.

How the hell I managed to break my leg? And the real thing hasn't even started yet.

I heard protesting noises at a near distance from my side. Looking over there I found Ian restrained back. He had wounds all over his body. Some were new seeing they were bleeding profusely. For the very first time the sight of blood didn't make me nauseated or dizzy but instead it made me angry. The urge to pull off the limbs of the people who hurt Ian within me was uncontrollable. Only if I had such strength. At the instance, I can't even handle one man for the matter. And there were five men around us.

The one holding me was huge as I predicted. His muscles were straining against the fabric of his T-shirt. He was tall as he was broad. A mountain of muscle.

Why do I always get the bulky one?

The two holding Ian were no less but they were not as huge as him. There were two more. Unlike the goons restraining us one of them was much better dressed. In fact, he was wearing black suit. Definitely one of the MIBs. The last one was none other than Brandon, the blondie. I guess, Ramone and Damian's gangs decided to team up together against us. That was so not fair.

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