Chapter 20

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I'm not sure what this is gonna be, 

But with my eyes closed all I see 

Is the skyline, through the window, 

The moon above you and the streets below. 

Hold my breath as you're moving in, 

Taste your lips and feel your skin. 

When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

-- Kiss me slowly by Parachute 

(Oh! How I love this song? Every time I hear it I melt right away. )


All the perceived notions I had regarding kissing went straight into oblivion. It was nothing like the ones I read about in the novels or saw in the movies. If I ever get back to home safely I'll throw out all the cheesy novels I had stacked up my book rack.

I was worried that the last episode I had of kissing would likely repeat as I was very well aware of my expertise in this field. But nothing of the sorts of breaking nose or puncturing skin happened. It was like an automated action. No nose smashing. No teeth bashing.

And it was all Ian. But even though he was the one taking the lead I didn't felt like being controlled. My lips were in sync with his. As if they knew what they were doing. But I was more aware of what his lips were doing to me.

To cut it short. I was hot all over and floating. Like a hot air balloon. If it wasn't for his arms wrapped around me I was sure I would be touching the roof of the metal container. My hands had found their way around his neck as my fingers played with his hair. His hair which was soft under my touch caressed the pads of my fingers. While my hands were busy redoing his hair style his were on my back moving so sensually that I felt goose bumps on my skin.

He nibbled at my bottom lip which ignited a foreign feeling inside my stomach. It was like a spark which turned into a big bonfire in a split second. Its heat spreading wildly all over my body and to places I rather not talk about. He continued his merciless torture on my lips with his teeth and tongue as if he was on some unknown quest. Nibble. Lick. Nibble. Lick. And so on.

I gasped when I felt a poke on the side of my ribs. Before I could get over this surprise which was teeny weeny compared to what happened next Ian stealthily slipped his tongue into my mouth. I gasped even louder which earned a victorious chuckle from him.

Sneaking basket.

It was all I could do not to melt into a puddle right then and there as his tongue ran havoc on me. My thoughts scattered all around. Heart beating so hard against my ribs that it was a miracle that it didn't puncture a hole through my chest.

I don't know how long the sizzling moment lasted. But much to my disapproval I had to break the kiss as a more important and life depending need overrode my desire. Need to breathe. I had all but forgotten that breathing was an essential requirement for a human being to sustain. That's how senseless I had become. My brain was practically a lump of putty by now.

Breaking away, I rested my head against what I assumed as Ian's shoulder. He must have turned his head slightly towards me as I felt his warm breath falling on my earlobe. Which again was not helping me with calming my heartbeats.

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