Chapter 25

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 I can see the skyline fadin' in the distance

Tears are comin' down and I'm tryin' just to make sense  

- Don't let me go (The Click Five)

"What's happening?"

Ian's question broke me out of my frozen state. He had removed the oxygen mask from his face. Though he looked pale and haggard he was on full alert. His confused face might have mirrored mine but I sincerely knew that mine was more fear-stricken.

"I...I... don't know. But someone screamed. I'll go out and check." Again I moved my hand towards the door handle.

"Don't! Close the door. Right now!"


"Now!" The urgency in his voice shook me. I turned around towards the door. But it was too late. The handle was just a few centimeters away from my hand when the door was flung opened. Standing outside was a man dressed up in white. He might be in his mid-thirties. Medium height for a male. A little towards the lean figure. But what astounded me and had me breathing unevenly was the gun with a silencer attached in his left hand.

"Who.... Who are you? And what did you do to the nurse?"

"Ah! Wouldn't you like to know sweetheart." A creepy smile spread across his face. I hesitantly glanced at Ian with confusion and fear. Wanting to ask if he had any idea about the man. But I got none for an answer. He seemed to be confused too.

The man scratched the side of his forehead with the tip of his gun. "You see I'm running out of patience to go deep into the whats and hows. Your friend there on the stretcher had me chase him for a long time. You know how tiring it is to go around and ask people. Especially when they are so resistant. Although it's worth it once I get to kill them. Oh, the screams. Like music to my ears. But unfortunately, I don't have much time now. Those bastards will get suspicious soon as to why this ambulance hasn't reached the hospital.

"So..." He raised the gun and pointed it towards me. "I'll get rid of you first. I'm sorry that you have to die though you had nothing to do with all these. But then there's always collateral damage no matter what. Don't you think Ian? Or should I say, Evan? Name doesn't really matter. Does it?"

He chuckled like it was some personal joke. I closed my eyes and waited for the bullet to tear into my flesh. But instead of that, I was pushed forward and I tumbled out the ambulance. My body crashed onto the ground causing new waves of pain spreading through my arms and knees. My right shoulder was paining the worst along with my broken ribs.

"Aw! See this is what makes me more furious. Interfering during my kills. Seriously, Carter! Couldn't you've waited a little longer? I was just getting to you after I was done with the girl. Why such a hurry? Now see it's all messed up."

Raising myself from the ground, I looked over my shoulder. Inside the ambulance, Ian's body slumped against the side wall with a gaping wound in his chest. It was like the world had stopped once again. I could see and feel everything but nothing at the same time.

I felt being pulled up but my legs were numb. The effort to make me stand up was futile. I could sense someone's presence near me. Pulling me and pushing me. But nothing really mattered. Words were spoken but they didn't make sense. The only word that rang through my head was.... Why? Why did Ian push me? Why did he get killed before me?


A face blocked my view to Ian's still body. "You want to know why?"

Can this man tell me why Ian saved me? Why he sacrificed himself? Why had my life meant more than his?

My eyes met his moss green eyes. They seemed dead like Ian. Why?

"Because of him, my wife died. She was pregnant with my child. Do you know the feeling of seeing someone you loved die in front your eyes?"

Do I?

"And there were two! One didn't even get to see the world even. My child died before he could know me."

He knelt in front of me. His dead questioning eyes searched me. "How does it feel? Tell me."

How does it feel?

"Like everything has no meaning anymore."

"Yes! Exactly. Yes! I wanted him to know it. Feel it! But that lucky bastard went ahead and died before he could suffer like me!"

"He loved you didn't he?" The man with green eyes started laughing.

"What should I do with you now? Killing you won't give me that satisfaction like before. But I can't let you live either. Such a tragedy. I dreamed of this day for so long. Dreamed of hurting him. Bleeding him slowly. Destroying everything that he ever cherished in front of his eyes. But now... Tsk Tsk. What a bad turn of events."

He stood up and dusted his white pants. "Why do drivers has to wear whites? I seriously don't get it. Anyways." He cocked the gun towards me. Pointing the tip square at my head. "No hard feelings."

This time, I didn't close my eyes. I couldn't. Time stood still again. Like every single second was accentuated. My eyes fixed on the tip of the gun saw a sudden hazy movement behind the man.

I saw Ian stumbling out of the ambulance with his hand raised up. Something was glittering in his hand. Metal?

The exact moment when the man's forefinger was about to pull the trigger Ian plunged the sharp looking metal into his neck. His gun's tip tilted towards the south. The bullet shot out of the gun. But instead of hitting me on my head it sailed down. I felt the sharp pain piercing through my abdomen.

The world started tilting to one side and I hit the ground once again. In the last few seconds of my consciousness, I saw Ian repeatedly stabbing the man on his back as he laid on the ground face first.

Assured that the man wasn't moving anymore Ian relaxed and faced me. His lips formed a word but I couldn't hear it.

I just hoped that the word was my name.

The last thing I heard from him.


Sorry for the late update. It's been hell of a busy time for me. Not to mention tiring. 

I know this chapter is really short. Had to wind it up like that.

Any feedback is welcomed. Do comment and let me know what you think about this update and also the story so far. If you want to vent out the anger for not updating sooner. That is also welcomed. 

Vote if like the chapter.


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