Chapter 9

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 When she was just a girl

She expected the world
But it flew away from her reach so
She ran away in her sleep

- Paradise


Eating was something I loved to do more than anything else. Okay maybe plotting gruesome death for Ian topped the list of things I love to do. But yeah, eating was pretty close. So you can imagine how I was devouring the food after not eating anything for more than twelve hours. I was basically inhaling the food.

"Ugh! Dis ish so goo."



Truth be told, I was in paradise right now as I was finally united with the love of my life. And to top it all the food was actually delicious. I could literally see heaven's gate behind my eyelids. But my personal spell of nirvana ended when I heard a distinctive sound of throat clearing. The one you know shouldn't be ignored. My eyes snapped opened and fell on the person sitting across me with a light red tint on his cheeks.

Washing the huge bite of burger I took down my throat with strawberry-banana milkshake, I raised one eyebrow at Ian. "Are you okay?"

"Cough. Yeah...I'm okay."

"You don't seem so. You look a little flushed. Well, the air conditioning in this place suck."

He pulled at his T-shirt collar. "Oh! Yeah! That must be it."

I eyed his burger which was sitting idle on his plate untouched. "Are you going to eat that?"

He glanced at his plate and then looked up. "Um. I'm not really hungry."

"Really?" We didn't eat for a long time. I was without food for half a day but maybe he ate something while he was out. But still. That was also long ago. How can he be not hungry?

"Want to eat it?" He asked me.

I looked at the burger and then at Ian's face and then at burger. "Sure." Hey! No judging! I don't like wasting food.

He pushed his plate towards me with a chuckle which made me glare at him. "What's so funny Carter?"

"Heh. No offense. I never saw a girl with such a big appetite. Do you really eat so much under stress?"

"I don't do stress eating. This is my normal eating. And BTW. None was taken. I love food."

He chuckled again. "That I can see."

"Okay funny boy," I said as I wiped my mouth with a tissue as my burger was finished. "Now that I'm partially fed. Start talking."

"Oh well...You still have one burger left. Don't you wanna finish it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Nope. I can eat that later. Once you've told me everything."

Ian scratched the back of his ear. "There's no hurry. You can fini..."

Slamming my hands down on the table I rose up and inclined towards him with my eyes narrowed to two slits. "Ian Carter. If you're thinking even for a second that you can stall the explaining then you are highly mistaken. I can assure that what I said early about tear small parts off from your body, I meant it. So don't dare to stall the matter."

He visibly flinched and gulped down. "O..okay."

"Good." I sat down with ease. "Start."

Giving out a long defeat sigh, he said, "You must already know that I work as a software developer in a company. Right?"

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