Chapter 16

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 In this farewell
There's no blood

There's no alibi
'Cause I've drawn regret
From the truth
Of a thousand lies
So let mercy come
And wash away
What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done  


"You moron! Knucklehead! How dare you?" Each word of mine was emphasized with a projectile I threw at Ian. Who at the moment was standing few feet away from me constantly ducking in sync as each object flew over his head and crashed into the wall behind him.

There wasn't much left to throw now as I kept searching around for any stuff. Opening the drawer of the bed side table a book grabbed my attention. And soon it was airborne, flying towards Ian. He sidestepped at the last second and the book too crashed on the wall.

"Chasity! You're exaggerating! Calm the fuck down!"

"I won't calm the f... fu... frappe down! You hear me!" I lividly looked around for another object to throw.

"You're being ridiculous! Your clothes were dirty and stinky. It had your vomit on it."

"You could have just left me like that! I wouldn't have felt anything or smelled while I was knocked out! People know nothing that happens around them when they are unconscious, Ian. You changed my clothes while I was conscious which was unnecessary and was a clear violation of my body."

He rolled his eyes the hundredth time. "Stop being childish! It's not like I haven't seen you in your underwear before." That did it. The valve holding my temper blasted off and I stalked towards him like a mad woman with a sole purpose to kill him. But before my ultimate wish could take the form of reality a spell of dizziness swept over me and the whole room seemed to turn towards the right.

Through hazy eyes, I saw Ian rushing towards me. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me against his chest. For a moment, I stayed still resting my forehead against his collarbone.

"You can go all ballistic on me anytime. But for now, give it a rest until you're strong enough." It wasn't a bad idea since I was really weak now. "And don't you want to hear the reason why we are being hunted down?" My head raised up in a sudden movement.

"You're going to tell me?"

"Only if you'll stop throwing stuff at me." I contemplated the two options I had in my hand. Clearly, the curiosity to know the secret won over no matter how much I want to plummet Ian down to his death.

"Okay. But don't even think for a second that I'll forget that." I narrowed my eyes on him while stepping out of his embrace.

"I won't. Fine? Now, where shall I begin with?" We both sat down on the floor with our back against the foot of the bed since the bed was in no good condition.

Looking sideways at him, I asked, "How about from the starting?"

"Ah! Starting..."

He seemed to be in an internal dilemma as in from where the starting started so I helped him out. "What's your actual name?"

"You caught on that. Didn't you? When Brandon called me Welshy?" I gave a nod with a slight one shoulder shrug as an answer. So my suspicion was right. But Welshy? Seriously? The name sounded so not Ian.

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