Chapter 5

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  "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"  

- Hotel California 


"What does he think of himself? Dunderhead. Pompous ass. Jerk..."

"Are you going to grumble like an old lady the whole night or are you going to help me out, put the gauge on my wound?" I threw a glare in his direction and resumed muttering names under my breath not so quietly.

"Seriously? Right now?" His voice clearly showed that he was exasperated by my brooding and grumbling and not helping him putting the gauge on his shoulder. Hah! Like I'd do that.

"I'm not going to come near you! Not now! Not ever!! You are... you are..."

He smirked at me. "...too charming for you? That's why you were practically plastering your tiny self onto my back in the alley back then?"

My left eye twitched and my nostril flared. "That," I spat, "was because there was a man there who was leering at me. And I didn't plastered myself onto you. I was just walking closer to you. Get over yourself!"

He let out a pig like snort. "Honey! If anyone has to get over themselves it's you. That alley...actually has his face permanently like that. He wasn't leering at you. And FYI for actually leering there must be something to leer at. Right?"

Arggggg! Tell me he didn't actually implied that...I ....don't have... Arggg!!!! That son of a snitch!!!!

I want to kill him and throw his body to hungry piranhas. Maybe not in the particular order. I've been having many murderous thoughts from the moment I woke up from my unconsciousness. And boy! What a sweet pleasant way he adopted to bring me back to consciousness?

Well, let me give you a quick brief of the events that took place after I saw blood. Just a few seconds later after seeing blood I saw splotches of black in my vision and in the next five seconds my lights went out. As Ian stated, before I could hit the ground he caught me which is still under debate because there was a huge lump on the backside of my head that contradicted his statement. Anyways, in his words, he carried me to a nearby bench but for, all I know he could have dragged me till there or left me sprawled on the ground.

Then he woke me up. Here, my friends, I can myself tell you how he woke me up... because... Who the hell would forget being brought back to consciousness by getting doused with ice-cold water? Yeah. He did that. To defend his act he said that I wasn't waking up by any other way and that his socks were smell free.  And also, the water was just a bit cold. Not my words. His words. But I can vouch for what I said. It was fudging ice cold.

After I came to my senses and after I tried strangling him with disappointing failure we called a truce and agreed on buying a first aid kit and then doing anything else like me killing him. It was almost midnight when we got out of the park. The roads were pretty quiet and deserted compared to the hullabaloo of the day. We took a walk around the blocks in search of a Pharmaceutical shop. While we were passing a dark and scary-looking alley I saw an equally scary-looking man standing just outside the dark shadows of the alley. He was heinously staring at me and well you do know that little story already. But!... He was leering at me.

As agreed, I didn't asked Ian anything about what happened back there in apartments and all the Whys, Hows and few more Whats attached to it before we bought a first-aid kit. In the small temporary agreement, we also agreed that he won't make any comment or make fun of my fainting at the sight of blood. But he violated our argument by teasing me the whole time. So when he walked inside a motel asking for a room with two beds with me tagging along wearing confused and annoyed face, I broke my side of agreement too and started asking questions about the whole deal which kind of went like this:

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