Epilogue (Part 1)

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"Calm down, Lily. It's just a matter of few days. You will get through it." Balancing the phone in between my ear and shoulder I closed my locker and turned around to walk the memorized route towards the cafe. I just had a break from all my lectures and my stomach was screaming for food. 

"No! You don't understand. It's not just a few days. It a whole month, Chas! How am I suppose to stay with him for one whole effing month?"

I had to distance the phone away from my ear to avoid possible damage to my eardrum. That's how loud she was speaking. She was basically screaming in panic for the past one hour. I would say I felt sorry for her but I didn't.

It's been five months since Lily and Keith had graduated from the college. I still have two months to go thanks to my one semester back. But I wasn't complaining being alone. It, in fact, helped me.

Keith got a job in New York in one of the biggest construction company soon after he graduated. While Lily got recruited by an architecture firm. Now by some twisted coincidence both their companies got the same job and by some even more twisted coincidence, their companies assigned Lily and Keith together for the work. If only they were still together she would have been singing a different tune but unfortunately for me, especially, I have to deal with two best friends who can't stand each other. The last few months before they left the university was a literal hell for me.

And now they not only have to stay in each other's presence but have to work together. 

I don't know whether to be happy hoping for a good outcome or to prepare for a third world war.

"Deep breaths, Lily! In and out. In and out!"

I could hear her taking long breaths to calm herself down. At least, she was following something of what I was suggesting. 

"Feeling okay?"


"Good. Listen. It will be okay. Go there and try. If you still don't feel comfortable then ask you firm to assign someone else and call you back. I'm sure they will understand." Will they? 

"I guess. Thank you, Chas. I don't know what I'd be doing without you!" I rolled my eyes on her over-dramatic tone.

"Stop being dramatic on my ass and get back to packing."

Her laugh trickled down my ear through the phone. "Aye! Aye! Captain!" 

I chuckled bidding her goodbye.  Tucking my phone inside my shoulder bag I looked up at the cafe board spelling out its name. Darling's Cafe. Some old memories floated back stretching the already present small smile on my face. 

"Hey! Freddy boy." I greeted the boy behind the counter in a pink apron sporting bubble pink hair. (**Anyone remembers our Freddy boy?

"Hey! Chas." He greeted back excitingly. "What can I get for you today?"

"You know my usual." 

"Okay then! One usual coming right up." 

I nodded and said before leaving, "Nice hair though." I didn't miss how his cheeks turned a shade lighter than his hair color before turning around. 

I walked towards my usual seat near the windows and sat there. I could have gone to my apartment directly since I had no classes in afternoon. But I didn't. It had become more and more difficult for me to stay in that apartment as time passed by.  Like ghosts, it held a lot of memories which haunted me. So I try being out. 

I even made new friends. Though I was still the same couch potato. Awkward as hell around new people I still hung out with them. As long as I could find excuses to stay away from the place I was fine with being an awkward potato. But no matter how many people surrounded me there was still a void inside me. It's no mystery because of whom I felt the emptiness. 

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