Chapter 28

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I'm so so sorry for going MIA on you guys. I couldn't be more sorry. Now that I have apologised you can continue with the chapter which I hope won't disappoint you.

Coming back to my tiny apartment I felt relaxed and unhinged at the same time. A sense of normality surrounded me. But again there was evidence of what happened a while ago scattered around. Like the seven bullet holes in my apartment's walls. Four in the bedroom and three in the living room. There were traces of blood on one wall which tapped at my hazed memories ever so lightly.

I asked mom and dad many times if there knew anything else which was unfruitful. It was a huge jumble the key to which only Ian and I held. Unfortunately, Ian was still in a coma and me, well, didn't recall anything yet. You can understand how frustrated I was. I kept visiting my memories of the days I could remember. Pressing my mind till the point I would feel disoriented with headaches.

"Stop doing that, honey." My mom's concerned voice floated towards me breaking me from my concentration. A warm hand touched my cheek as I opened my eyes. Mom was sitting on the coffee table facing the couch I was currently sitting on. "Remember what the doctor said? No straining yourself. It's not good for your recovery."

"But mom I need to remember."

There must be something in my voice that transformed the concern on my mother's face into worry. Desperation, maybe. Or an unexplained longing.

"It will come back soon. Your memories. You don't have to rush. But if you ask me. It's better this way. I cannot fathom what you went through and it pains me even thinking about how much you suffered. Maybe not able to remember what happened to you is a good thing."

It's not like I didn't have the same thought as my mom. Even I felt maybe this way it was better. Not remembering it. The bullet wound on my stomach which has yet to heal completely and various other scars on my body, in fact, testify it. But no amount of logical thinking could erase the nagging feeling that there was something really important I need to remember. And with each passing days, I was getting more and more certain that it was connected to Ian.

"Didn't you have a meet up with Lily and Keith this evening?" Mom asked as she got up from the coffee table and walked towards the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah. I have." I had completely forgotten that. "What's the time?"

"Quarter to six. And" Mom poked her head out of the kitchen. "You're late."

"Dammit!" A disapproving cough came from my mom at my cursing. Even I was bit surprised. Where did that come from?

Shaking my head and sending a sheepish smile to mom I marched off to the bedroom to grab my coat. It was getting chilly outside as autumn rolled in bringing vibrant hues of orange with it. I kissed mom goodbye and stepped out of the apartment but not before receiving a list of precautions 'I must take' from mom. She was worried as ever.

Autumn in Nashville was always beautiful. Though winter had its own magic but autumn seemed to cheer me even I was at my worst of all worst moments. So it wasn't a surprise when I immediately felt better coming out. Lingering thoughts of the past incidents started dissolving leaving behind a sense of calmness inside me.

The café we were to meet was not too far from my place. It was hardly a ten-minute walk. Though I was late since we agreed to be there by five-thirty I decided to walk. The sidewalk was covered with fallen leaves of colors varying from yellow to orange to red. The air had a bite of chill which made me snug into my coat further while my ears berated me for not bringing a scarf along with.

Enjoying the beautiful weather I finally reached Café Novella. The moment I entered the café I was hit by the pleasant aroma of grounded coffee and baked goodies. It felt like heaven inside. Looking around for familiar faces I found two near the Jukebox. I approached with a wide smile. Haven't seen them for a long time I felt excited to meet my two best friends. But as I approached them something didn't felt right. Thinking it must be because of my own head hazed up by medicines I shook off that feeling.

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