Chapter 15

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It was a chaos inside the hospital. But when did he ever minded chaos? He enjoyed chaos. And he liked it more when he was the one to cause it.

But today he was, regrettably, late again. What was it? The third time? That he missed Ian Carter by fractions of time. He was determined more than ever to catch him now. To know his prey slipped through his hand not once but three times irked him to no end.

His moss green eyes scanned the hallways. The whole area was flooded with cops. Foolish bastards, he thought, all of them. He restrained himself from sneering at one of the blue uniforms as he passed them. To any onlooker, he was just another distressed visitor. Trying to figure out what's going out. Only if they knew.

He dosesn't had to ask. Picking up snippets from conversations here and there he got the whole picture. Though there was no mention of the one he was actually looking for he knew his target was here. And that he left.

He also got to know that he was not the only one looking for Ian Carter. Which made the task even more difficult. If not interesting.



The twisting pain inside my stomach indicating that I haven't eaten anything for a long while woke me up. It was bad. But not worse than the pounding inside my head. I never got drunk. But I know if I ever get a hangover it won't be far different from this.

My eyes were crusted making it uncomfortable to open them. When I finally opened them, the sharpness of the lights assaulted them making me snap them shut once again. Slowly and carefully I opened my eyes. It took some time to adjust to the lights. Not that the place had floodlights installed. It just had sunlight pouring in through two large windows spanning from floor to ceiling.

I looked around the foreign place I just woke. It was definitely a bedroom. A queen sized bed covered with a white bed sheet on which I was lying right now. Bare white walls. Minimum but tasteful furniture. I gazed down at myself. A sheet, white again, was covering my bottom half revealing a dark blue loose shirt I do not remember wearing the last time I was conscious.

Where am I?

A sense of panic shot through me shortening my breath and increasing my heartbeats. Bits and pieces of incidents that happened before I lost my conscious rolled in my head. Ian's apartment. Burglars. No, not burglars actually. Shooting. Running. Motel. Bus ride. Diner. Phone booth. Bridge. Hospital. MIB men. The others. The shooting. The man.

Oh god! The man!

He died in front of me.

Oh god!

"Chasity?" My eyes flew to the tall figure standing by the door.

"Ian!" My voice was hoarse and weak like I hadn't be used for a long time. I ripped off the sheet covering my body and got off the bed. As soon as my feet touched the ground and I put my weight on them my knees buckled and I sunk down.

"Oh shit!" Before I could hit the floor two arms wound around me. Ian helped me back on the bed. I sat on the edge of it. My head felt too heavy to stay up on its own. Every movement I made was a great deal of effort for me. The images that seemed to have glued at the back of my eyelids didn't help me either.

"You shouldn't have gotten up that soon. You are still weak."

"Ian...Th..that man. He..he..." I screwed my eyes shut trying to block the images of the dead man and the blood spreading on the floor. My hands were gripping my hairs tightly to the point of ripping them out. But the pain wasn't enough to distract me from thinking about the scene that kept flashing inside my head.

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