[17] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 17:

BOOOOOOM! The rocks collapsed, and rolled towards us, at a frightening speed.

We ran as fast as we could up a flight of stairs, and just missed being crushed to death by the boulders.

When the dust had settled we went back to the ‘door’ to see if we could get out. Nope. The stone was probably about a meter or more thick, in the THINNEST parts, of the wall. It would take us about a month to tunnel out a hole big enough for a Hobbit to crawl through – let alone a human.

“We have but one choice.” – Gandalf informed us, “We must pass through the mines of Moria. The trip will be about a week in length.”

So guess what? We had to start walking again. And I am not fond of deep, damp, dark, placed. Especially ones that have dead dwarves all over the place. Frodo was slinking along behind Gandalf, refusing to meet my eye. I suppose that was a good thing for him…..because if looks could kill, that Hobbit would have been ten feet under.

The light from Gandalf’s wand lit the way, because with out it we would be stumbling into everything.

Gandalf was silent, but I could see from the way his face was set, he was not a happy wizard. Not one bit

I stomped along behind the others, not really up for conversation, as that Kraken blood had made me feel ill. I felt woozy just thinking about being woozy. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. Boromir stopped walking, and waited for me to catch my breath, and make it to the rest of them.

“Are you okay?” – Boromir asked concerned.

“I’m fine!” – I panted, trying to look sure of myself.

Boromir didn’t look convinced though, and walked beside me, even though I repeatedly assured him that I was fine.

What was wrong with him? He doesn’t listen to anybody!

‘Your just like that!’ – a little voice told me. ‘Go away!’ – I told it tiredly with out much conviction. ‘That’s why you like Boromir – because he is just like you!’

‘I don’t like Boromir!’ – I snarled at the voice.

‘No? So why did you cuddle up against him?’ – it asked suspiciously.

‘Um. Ur. Well.’ – I spluttered.

‘Point 1 to me!’ – the little voice snickered.

I pictured smashing it flat with a hammer, and I heard the little voice go, ‘Uph!’ – in shock.

I stopped again, and coughed, spraying black spit all over everything.

Boromir looked over at me in concern, and asked, “Are you sure your all right?”

I was about to say, ‘Stop bugging me!’ – but another round of coughing shook my frame, stopping me from speaking.

At this point the others heard me, and turned back.

“Are you alright?” – Gandalf asked me.

“I’m fine!” – I gasped out, and then coughed again, spraying his boots with black goo.

Gandalf shook his head, and dug around in a pocket of his bag. He handed me a few leaves and told me to swallow them whole.

“Whole?” – I asked in a creaky voice, before doubling over to cough again.  Zena pounded me on the back, but I couldn’t catch my breath. I felt my eyes roll up into my head, and then ___________________ everything went black.

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