[21] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 21:

Frodo let out a sort of gasp, and his face contorted in pain. Then he fell to his knee’s, clutching the spear. His eyes rolled back, and he fell forward onto his stomach, with a THUD.

Pippin and Merry let out a scream, and leaped onto the Trolls back, trying to stab it in the head.

Everyone looked shocked, and sad, and…..some emotion that I am not really sure what it is.

All I thought was, ‘That idiotic Hobbit! That self centered worm!’ – but I did feel upset.

Legolas, and Zena used their arrows to shoot it in the chest, multiple times, but it wasn’t even slowing the Troll down. In fact it seemed to be making it angrier.

Gimli, Gandalf, and Boromir, were all hacking at the legs, but their weapons were leaving things the size of long paper cuts on the Troll, not even making it flinch.

I leaped in front of it, and whistled.

It looked down at me, and roared.

“Enemy of Sauron!” – I yelled pointing at myself, “Chomp me!”

Now a Troll isn’t very smart, actually it is tremendously stupid. But it did wonder why someone was asking it to chomp them. It didn’t make any sense, but then, it didn’t ponder very long.

It opened it’s mouth, and I disappeared, but just for a second. I then used my shield to keep it’s mouth from closing, and used my sword to stab up threw the top of it’s mouth, into it’s brain.

I felt the Troll stop moving, and then it started to sway back and forth. ‘Uh-oh!’ – I thought, I hadn’t thought of what would happen to me, if the stupid thing fell down. I just held on tight to my sword, as it fell forward onto the ground. BOOM!

I disentangled myself from it’s mouth, and crawled out onto the ground, miraculously unhurt.

Boromir grabbed my hand, and helped me to my feet, as I tried to shake off the copious amounts of drool that clung to my cloak.

If you can help it, never go into a Trolls mouth. It is absolutely putrid in there! Yuck! I wanted to upchuck, from all the stuff that was caught in it’s teeth. Oh – and, it’s blood stinks. Like rotting….something. So if you can avoid it, don’t go in a Trolls mouth! Just a pointer.

I was startled to see Frodo standing with the others, unhurt!

“You – stabbed – spear, dead!” – I spluttered, and then came to my senses, “The Mithril!” – I concluded.

Frodo smiled and said, “Yes! Bilbo told me to where it at all times, so I did!” – he lifted up the front of his tunic, and showed us the sparkling material.

“It didn’t even get a dent!’ – he told us, running his fingers over the smooth material.

“That’s good!” – Aragorn told him, getting to his feet slowly, and what it looked like, painfully.

“Remind me to buy one like that, sometime!” – he groaned, using his sword like a cane to hobble over.

It looked like he was in a lot of pain, so I decided to check him over for broken bones.

“Up against the wall!” – I told him, and he listened.

‘He must be in quite a lot of pain then!’ – I thought. The little voice popped up, ‘Well it serves him right, for screwing up the mission like that.’

I ignored the voice, and tugged Aragorn’s tunic shirt up so I could see his back.

Boromir scowled, and crossed his arms, when I did.  Strange.

The bruising was already coming up black, so I pulled out some cream from my bag and rubbed it into the skin, roughly mind you. I had to, it was the only way to make sure that the oil went in!

“Don’t be such a baby!” – I criticized him, as he flinched away from me.

“Well you have one broken rib. Nothing serious though – and no internal damage!” – I told him cheerily, as I pulled some bandages out of my bag. I then wrapped them around Aragorn’s chest, and pinned it with the pin of his tunic.

“I can’t be sure of brain damage though” – I told him seriously.

“We probably won’t be able to tell from before!”

Aragorn grunted angrily at me, but I ignored him as I put the stuff away in my bag.

“There you go! All done!” I told him sweetly.

You may be wondering why I have all the sudden become the field nurse. This is because when I was 17 I took a special medical course. It was to see if you wanted to go into doctoring or nursing! I didn’t though, but the course was very informational, and I learned a lot about how to fix up injuries, and first aid. The others had found out about the course from Zena, who had ‘accidentally’ slipped up when she was talking. So now I was saddled with all the medical supplies to. Fair. I think not.

After I tried to get the drool off again, and failed, we started out, watching out for Orcs. We didn’t see any until we got to the Dwarf city. That was a sight to see!

It was probably about 200 or more feet tall, and supported by huge white stone columns. The place was amazing! I wished I had my digital camera with me, so I could take a picture! Or 100.

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