[26] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 26:

I was stunned, but not for long. I wrapped my arms around the back of Boromir’s head and pulled him closer. And then I started to kiss him back.

I finally pulled back gasping for breath, as he ran one hand through my short (grubby) hair.

“What was that for?” – I asked when I had my breath back, rubbing my cheek against the side of his face.

He reached out and cupped his hands around my face.

“It was a reward for taking care of that elf!” – he joked. “I didn’t even need to do anything!”

I pretended to pout, “That’s all? I thought it might have meant something more”.

Boromir wrapped one arm around my waist and tugged me closer, so that he could kiss the tip of my nose.

“Of course it did!” – Boromir sounded slightly annoyed. “For I pledge my love to you, and only you!”

I reached around him, and whispered in his ear, “And mine to you!”

Boromir kissed me again, and we stood there, in the forest, with leaves falling around us gracefully for several moments, until I blinked sharply, and pulled away.

Boromir looked at me with concern, and asked, “What?”

I pressed my fingers to my temples, and I don’t know how I knew, but I did.

“Galadriel expects us at the feast. It has just started”. – I told him.

“Then we had better head back.” – Boromir sighed angrily. “I was hoping to have a few more minutes with you!” He growled, and stomped as we started to head back.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek the prickly stubble brushing against my lips. “Don’t worry! I’m sure we will have some other time together.”

A smile stretched across his face, and I smiled to. I loved that smile.

On the way back, I explained my mental battle with Galadriel. Boromir was impressed, and thought that my performance deserved a kiss. That I didn’t disagree with.

We headed back to the feast, just as Galadriel was standing up to give her speech. We took our seats, and I couldn’t resist throwing a glittering smile at her husband Celeborn. That just annoyed her all the more. I could tell. Her eyes darkened as they rested on me and I thought.


The little voice piped up, ‘Yah! We kicked your butt, elf-o!’

Her hair began to flat back, and I hissed to the voice, ‘Now who is going to get us obliterated?’

The little voice said, ‘Oh.’

Luckily Galadriel was diverted by the facts of Gandalf’s death.

‘Or suicide.’ – I thought. ‘The fool! He had been rescued!’

The little voice nodded, and said, ‘Hmph!’

I ate pretty much everything that I could see at the feast. What? Don’t look at me like that! I have been being starved! You would do the same thing!

And then landed up in a drinking contest with Merry, Pippin, and Gimli.

After 10 pints I began to not feel so good, but I couldn’t stop! I had to win! One of my personality flaws.

The others passed out around the 19 mark, but I finished my 20th, set it down on the table, while elves cheered and clapped. Then I passed out.

I woke up a little while later, and glanced up. Though my head was still very foggy, I was able to see Boromir’s face.

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