[19] Waking Up In Another World - A LOTR Fanfiction

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Chapter 19:

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! The dead dwarf rattled, and banged all the way to the bottom.

I put my head against the wall and began to bang it there. It didn’t matter what noise we made know, because the Orc’s were already on their way. I could hear the drumming starting up deep under ground, and the others gaped, their mouths hanging open.

I stopped banging my head long enough, to tell them,

“Well, what are you waiting for? Get ready!”

Then I remembered. “Oh, and Legolas. Aim for the mouth on the troll. It is the only way to take it down finally. Don’t bother with the head”.

Then I resumed banging. ‘Idiots! I am on a team of idiots!’ – I thought to myself.

‘You could always just take over!’ – the little voice nattered at me, ‘You would be a much better leader!’

‘Shut-up!’ – I told it. ‘I am not in the mood for your evil plans. You have gotten me into enough trouble as it is.’

The voice continued though, ‘Ah. But did I? Boromir is the weak link on the team! Kill him, and everything will be fine!’

‘I am not going to kill my friend!’ – I snarled at the voice.

‘You don’t have any friends! Nobody likes you!’ – the voice nattered evilly.

‘Well they would like me, more then you! You repellant cockroach!’ – I snarled.

‘I am simply a figment of you! So, in your calling me a repellent cockroach, you are in fact calling your self that to!’ – it laughed, and it was cold and high pitched.

‘Shut UP!’ – I roared. ‘You are not me! You are the ring talking! And you know what?’

‘What?’ – the voice asked, still laughing.

‘I am going to personally throw you into Mordor!’ – I snarled, but with some satisfaction.

‘You wouldn’t!’ – the voice snarled. Then it tried a more soothing tone, ‘But I am your friend! You wouldn’t hurt your friend, would you?’ – it asked in a soft sweet voice.

Now I know who that soft sweet voice was from a while ago.

‘You are no friend of mine!’ – I snarled. ‘And the sooner I am rid of you, the better!’

The voice dropped the sickly sweet tones, and laughed, harder and longer then before. ‘You really are a simple little girl! Every day that passes, I grow stronger, and soon I will consume you. I doubt that you will even know it though, as my power hungriness will blend in with yours. Your ‘friends’ won’t even know the difference until it’s to late!’ – it cackled mercilessly.

‘I am not a simple little girl!’ – I growled at it, my temper had exploded through the roof, ‘And my friends will know the difference! I am nothing like you!’

The voice just chuckled, ‘So you say. And each time you tell me, it is less convincing. Oh, and you have failed to deny the fact that you are power hungry, like me.’

I started talking again, ‘Power is nice, and I enjoy power, but not through the ways that you want me to get it with! I think it should be earned! Not taken!”

The voice laughed, and then my mind felt like it had been coated, “Imagine yourself….’ It crooned. ‘On the throne of Gondor!’

‘Gondor’ – I muttered sleepily.

‘All you have to do to get the throne of Gondor, is kill the heirs!’ – It continued.

‘Kill the heirs!’ – I repeated.

‘Yes! Boromir and Faramir will be easy to kill! Slit their throats, just kill them!’

I snapped back to reality. ‘You are still telling me what to do! Shut up and f*** off!’ – I snarled, “I am not going to kill my friends!’

The little voice nattered, ‘Faramir isn’t your friend!’

At this I was stumped for a moment before replying, ‘He could be my friend!’

I was snapped out of my little ‘conversation’ when Boromir approached the door. I raced across the room, and yanked him back, just as an arrow pierced the door, where his head had been a moment before.

Aragorn threw Boromir an ax, and helped him barricade the door, while the others all stood back, weapons drawn ready for the fight.

The Hobbits were standing there, their weapons drawn, but they were shaking. I looked over at them, and gave them a semi-reassuring smile. Pippin smiled back, but I had to turn back to the door quickly.

The first blow landed on the door, and then the second, and soon it felt like a whole army was pounding and hacking on the door.

Gimli crawled up onto the tomb, “There is still one dwarf in Moria that draws breath! Let them come!” – he called, swinging his ax.

A panel in the door broke open, and an orc could be seen reaching through, it’s slimy blue hand outstretched. Legolas and Zena shot it though, before it could even touch one of the axes that barricaded the door.

Then all of the sudden the doors exploded open, and  - what do you call a whole bunch of Orc’s? A flock? A pack? I think I will call it a frenzy!

A frenzy of Orc’s charged into the room, weapons flailing, and screeching in some unknown language. If it was a language.

I used my sword, and shield, chopping, hacking and stabbing left-right, and center. The little voice cheered me on. ‘Go-go! Hack them Orc’s!’ – it sang. And I was to busy to tell it to be quiet, as I was hacking Orc’s.

‘Hack them to pieces! The messier the better!’ – It sang, as I cut off one of the Orc’s heads.

I leaped into the air, spun in a circle, and killed another Orc that had been about to attack the Hobbits.

I heard a deep sound. One that was deeper, than the drums.

‘BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM!’ – everyone stopped fighting, even the Orcs, and looked. A huge troll was standing in the door way, where an Orc had led it. The Troll reached down, and crushed the Orc that had been leading it, with its foot. Then it advanced on us.

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