Chapter 11

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Unknown POV

This is not going according to plan. Everything is going wrong. I don’t know how I’m going to fix it, but I need to figure out a way to. And I need to do so fast.

Brandon’s POV

I think I’ve fallen for Alicia already. She’s so gorgeous and she makes me smile and laugh. When I first saw her, my heart fluttered. That sounds really girly and gay, but it’s true! I think I’m in love.

When I asked her about her baby’s father, she tensed up. I could tell it was a very sensitive topic just by her body language. “I’d rather not talk about him right now.” She said in a low tone “Okay, that’s fine. No pressure!” I half laughed trying to lighten the mood.

After dinner, we went our separate ways and I drove home. When I reached the house, I walked in and said, “Ma! I’m home!” I walked over to the living room to see her and Bryson asleep on the floor where a pallet was made. I smiled and kissed her cheek before sliding Bryson out of her arms.

She woke up when I was about to walk away, “How was your date?” She yawned. “Hold on really quick while I go put my lil man in his crib.” I said before walking away. I went into my room and changed Bryson’s diaper and put him in a one zee. I covered him with his blanket and put his binky in his mouth before leaving and closing the door softly.

I walked back in the living room and saw my mom on the couch watching tv. “So, did you have fun?” She smiled at me “Yes, it was great!” I cheesed “I can tell. You haven’t been this happy since Janelle was here!” She said referring to my ex-girlfriend who passed away. “I think Alicia makes me happier. I know I just met her, but she just makes me feel so different.” I said in a daze.

“You remember when you were all sad when J passed? And I told you that all things happen for a reason?” I nodded my head yes “Maybe this is why it happened. Always remember, God works in mysterious ways!” She said before going into her room to go to sleep.

I sat there and thought about what she said for a while. Maybe she’s right. When Janelle passed, I had a really hard time focusing. I was also dealing with her parents trying to get full custody of Bryson and I couldn’t let that happen because I would never get to see him again.

They didn’t like me because I impregnated their daughter at such a young age. But I was going to take care of my responsibilities whether she was alive or not. Before going to sleep, I turned off the tv and straightened up the living room and kitchen. I went into my room and took a shower, then I started writing my graduation speech.

Sunday Morning: 11 AM

Alicia’s POV

Sandra was bugging me all night about my date. I was too tired to talk about it all, I told her that we’d go for a walk in the park today. When we met up at the park, she ambushed me with questions until I said, “Okay Sandra calm down! Just let me put Bre in this stroller and we can talk while we walk. I need to lose some of this baby weight anyway.” “Okay!” She replied.

I explained everything to her, I swear she squealed every three seconds. After I finished giving all the details about my date she said, “Oh my gosh! He seems so sweet! I need to meet him!” “Well, I guess you’ll be meeting him sooner than later!” I said “Huh?” “He’s right there coming our way with his son!” I said. I started to fix my hair and put on a little lip gloss before Sandra and I sat on a bench with Bre in her stroller in front of us.

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