Chapter 15

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Brandon’s POV

I had been blowing up Alicia’s phone with texts and calls until last night when it said that her phone had been disconnected. I don’t know what happened, but something tells me that I’m a part of the reason she left. I should have been more by her side when my dad came in and disrespected her. Maybe I should have been more loving and caring. I just miss her and I want her to be safe.

“Baby, you haven’t eaten in two days. What’s wrong?” My mom asked me as she stepped into my room. I sighed and leaned back on my bed, “Bre’s gone.” “What?” My mom asked, “I’m sorry honey!” She sat down next to me. “If it’s meant to be, you’ll both find each other again.” With that she left my room.

Sandra’s POV

My best friend is nowhere to be found. I’ve been looking for her non-stop but only came up with nothing. Was it my fault that she left? What did I do wrong? Maybe she thought I’d be like Daniel and them and drop her when I got tired of her. But that isn’t true at all.

“Mom, I don’t know where she is.” I cried as I rested my head on my mom’s shoulder. “Sweetheart, you’ll find her one day. Trust me!” She gave me a small smile. “I hope so.”

Shelly’s POV

I should have went with her, I knew that eventually she would leave. I’m not even going to worry about her though because she’s a smart girl and she knows how to take care of herself and Bre. I’m going to miss them though.

Marcus has become more possessive over the last few days and I’ve tried to distance myself from him. I was in our room crying when the door creaked open, “Baby what’s wrong?” I heard Marcus ask me. He’s in his bi-polar stage again. “Nothing!” I wiped my tears and smiled.

“I know you’re lying. This will make you feel better.” He pulled a needle from behind his back. “What is that?” I asked. “Nothing too bad, it’s just Heroin.” “Umm, I think I’ll pass.” I slightly smiled. “No you’re not, you’re going to take this.” I snarled as he came over to me and put a rubber band on my upper arm.

“No, please don’t do this! Please!” I pleaded as I tried to get out of his grip. He felt around for my vain and plunged the needle in it. I instantly became calm and relaxed. I was happy? “See, now isn’t that much better?” He asked me. I just nodded my head in response and laid down. “I guess I’ll let you get your rest.” He kissed my forehead and walked out of the room.”

Alicia’s POV

“E-excuse me.” I stuttered as I opened the door. “Don’t come in here unless I say so!” The man behind the desk threw something at me. I flinched and closed the door. “Now, who are you and what do you want?” “I’m Alicia, and I’m looking for a job sir.”

“Come in.” He replied more calmly this time. I walked in the office to see a man at his desk with two women on each arm. “Take a seat.” He said as he smoked a cigar. “So, how old are you Alicia?” “I’m seventeen.” “No can do, you’re not legal. Bye have a nice life.”

“But please! I need this job and money for me and my baby! Please just give me a chance!” I pleaded. He sighed before saying, “Whatever, you start tomorrow. Charity show her around.” One of the girls walked over to me and gestured for me to follow her.

“Thank you so much!” I croaked. “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” He waved me off. I walked out of his office and followed Charity to the back of the club. “Okay, so dis where we get dressed eht. And den over der you can do yo hurr and make up and stuff. And den you can work the floor for now until you wanna go on stage. Any questions?” She said as she popped her gum.

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