Water War

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Hey guys!! Amazing job with the commenting last chapter!! Like 70 or higher comments and 136 votes last time I checked in the first day!! That was awesome and it made me really happy!! Thanks guys! :D I take it you guys really enjoyed that chapter? I must admit it was sad, I almost cried just writing it.

I'm dedicating this chapter to AriaM467 and the cover to the side is another the one she made me. :)

This is Noah and Jade now!


One and Only

Chapter Twenty-One - Water War

I smiled as I snuggled in deeper to Noah's warmth.

"Comfy there?" a voice that sounded like Rose's asked. I nodded unconsciously and snuggled in even deeper as Noah's arms tightened around me and I felt him smile too.

Sleeping with Noah is always so relaxing and comforting. Not once do I wake up at night.

"I hope you enjoy it....," I think Alex teased, "NOW!"

Ice cold water hit Noah and I at full force. I gasped and sat bolt upright, shivering from the cold since the ceiling fan was on. Standing in front of me were Rose, Alex, Emily, and Liam. And they were laughing.

"O-oh no y-you didn't!" I managed to threaten through my stuttering.

"I hope you know this means war!" Noah bellowed from beside me. Hey, how come he's not stuttering? Is it because he has more body heat?

"War!" I jumped up and grabbed the bucket and ran to the bathtub. I filled it with the coldest water I could get and I heard shrieks as they ran away from the room. I will get them, they can't run for too long.

"Hey, I have a plan." Noah whispered beside me.

"What?" I whispered back since he was whispering to me.

"Okay, give me the bucket. I'll chase them around until I get them out the door, and you'll be standing there ready with the hose and as soon as they come out, spray 'em all!" his voice highered, "Victory will be ours!"

"Sh! They'll hear you!" I scolded him.

"Sorry," he whispered, "Victory will be ours!"

"Okay, here's the bucket. I'll sneak outside."

He took the bucket and ran out with a loud war cry. I giggled at his competitive behavior.

I tiptoed out the room and down the hall, looking from side to side to make sure that no one was around. But then I heard Emily from behind me, "Where do you think you're going?"

I turned around slowly just as the water in her water gun hit me right in the face. "Ahh!" I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the water out, but I was secretly watching her. She was doubled over in laughter. And as quick as I could, I grabbed her gun and aimed at her without her even realizing.

"Don't. Move." I commanded her as I started walking away, gun pointed at her, "Or I'll shoot."

She blinked and nodded. I took this time to notice her attire. Her blue cover-up was drenched and her blond hair stuck to her head. I mentally congratulated Noah.

As I rounded the corner, I took my eyes off Emily and ran off at full speed. But I almost had a head collision with Liam since I kept looking back just to make sure Emily wasn't following me.

"Stay where you are," I walked around him and away as my gun was aimed at him, much the same way as I had done with Emily.

But unlike Emily, he charged straight at me! Surprised at his mood change, it took my brain a while to register exactly what was happening. But when I did, I let out a true scared little girl scream and ran.

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