The Bathroom Stall|Note Forty-Two

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Note Forty-Two

awkward (ah/kuh/wuhrd) adj.- in the state of being strangely uncomfortable.

When the waitress finally came around to our table, which was now occupied by not only the two of us, but always by Terrence and his sister, I was ready to crawl into a hole and die.

Terrence had continuously tried to make conversation with me, which I managed to avoid only by shoving food into my mouth even though I wasn't hungry. Tucker kept on looking at me even though Terrence's sister avidly tried to captive his attention by poking his arm and talking a little too obnoxiously.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I stated abruptly and loudly, as the waitress walked away with orders for dessert, making Tucker look up and Terrence give me a sidelong look.

"Oh gosh, I'll go with you, girl!!" Terrence's sister squealed, grabbing her purse.

The last thing I needed was for her to start questioning why I broke up with Terrence.

"Great." I muttered between clenched teeth, and Tucker gave me a sympathetic look before Terrence tried to make conversation with him.

How was I supposed to scream and cry about my morbid life with her beside me?

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