The Bathroom Stall|Note Sixteen

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Note Sixteen

Dear Bathroom Stall Door That Looks Like It's Molding On The Left Side,

Well, I'm writing here because I need advice and my friends don't really get it, you know? I just broke up with my boyfriend a couple days ago, and I think it's hurting me more than him because he's always flirting with other girls and not paying me any mind. Is it selfish of me to think that he should be hurting just as much as I am? How do I fight off my feelings?


Dear Ashlyn,

I know how you feel, more than you realize. You know what you have to do? You guys broke up for a reason and you have to keep that in mind every time you start thinking about him. As for the whole he doesn't care thing, if he doesn't feel remorseful about breaking up with you, he's really not worth your time. Get over him, because he's over you.

~ S.

The bathroom door slammed behind me as I wiped excess water off my hands on my jeans, heading towards my last period classroom. Opening the biology door, I froze, feeling sick as I saw Terrence and another girl going at it, hands tangled in hair and lips fused together.

Before I could run off and pretend nothing happened, the biology teacher breezed in right behind me, clapping his hands together and saying loudly, "what a beautiful day for biology, eh? Sadly we will not be talking about sexual reproduction so if you will, Mr. Terrence and Ms. Lauren..."

Terrence and the girl froze before unlatching from one another, him catching my eye with indifference, and smirking a little, turning in his seat. I couldn't blame Mr. Risling for interrupting their little slob fest since he was half blind and couldn't really see over his glasses, but the shame and sadness I felt when Terrence looked straight at me was worthy of a good punch to the gut.

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