Chapter 6

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Okay I am so sorry I haven’t uploaded in such a long time but I have sooo much homework for college to the point I can’t read for fun either so work with me please :) anyways I hope your all still into this and let me know what you think about this chapter hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 6

Surprisingly I slept till the sun was barely started to come up. I still feel tired but feel much better than yesterday. Taylor and I started on our way to who knows where. I have never been in a situation like this. I only thought it happened in movies. Come on I couldn’t possibly have had at least a normal life, but then again what is normal. I’ve never imagined this kind of world even existing, so actually living it is a dream or in this case a nightmare.

“Do you know where we are going?” I asked while we walked our way through a jungle. Again she didn’t answer me only walked on ahead making it look easy pushing her way through all the branches and not having her arms out for balance, which I am doing at this very moment I keep tripping over little things, which is starting to get a little tiring of getting back up over and over.

“Taylor would you please answer me?” I stopped in my tracks thinking she would stop and turn around to answer me, but no she kept on walking.

“I’m talking to you” I ran to catch up and grabbed her wrist and spinning her around to face me.

“Hanna don’t you see we need to keep walking!” She never yelled at me and right now wasn’t a great time to start that now.

“All I was asking was do you know where we are going?” I threw my hands in the air gesturing to the scenery around us. She rolled her eyes at me, like that would be the first time she ever did that.

“Of course I don’t okay are you happy” She placed her face in her hands and sobbed falling to the ground, which shocked me cause she was just yelling at me.

“Taylor are you all right?” I knelt beside her and placed my hand on her back and she looked up at me with tears falling down her cheeks. She only starred at me for what seemed like a lifetime.

“No of course I’m not and so aren’t you” Of course I knew we aren’t okay or did she forget where we are, I’m not that delusional.

“What do you mean by that?” She stood up and like it never happened, she wiped her tears away and started walking again.

“Taylor, answer me!” I never wanted to raise my voice at her but this was important and was the only way I could get her attention. She stopped suddenly, but without turning she answered me.

“I promised I couldn’t tell you” I walked toward her and stepped in front of her.

“What can’t you tell me?”

“Hanna I can’t…” I put my hand up to stop her from giving me an excuse, like that would have me forget about what she just said, of course it won’t.

“Listen to me please” She looked down at the ground and looked back at me and nodded. I took in a deep breath.

“What is it that you can’t tell me?”


“Taylor what if something happens I have to know”

“I’m sorry I just… I just can’t” She shook her head and started to walk again but this time she stopped and turned toward me.

“Trust me on this” She outstretched her hand toward me and I took it without question.

“I’m not going to give up”

“Oh I know” She smiled at me, but everything felt out of place. I only wanted to know why we were here, of course it’s to save our kind, but I don’t even know what to do, let alone what I can do.


We walked for a long time trying to forget where we are, but it always brought me back to the time in my neighbor’s back yard. Remembering his voice brought shills through my body. I was afraid to close my eyes more than a second. I would see his features, and I would be back there not understanding what I saw. My whole life turned into something I still don’t understand myself, but I will have to figure that out sooner or later. In this case sooner is better.

We were both walking silently not going in any direction particularly. I slowly took in my surroundings for the first time without the need to run or to get yelled at by your best friend. The trees had bright green leaves, looked welcoming, minus the fact that there were supernatural creatures after us but hey who’s worried. I breathed in deeply taking in the smell of just rained air, my favorite smell. Who can beat the smell of clean air even if you’re in a big city? It just seems like a great time to breathe more or I’m the only one who does that. Anyways, after everything that happened I am trying to think on the bright side and in this case nature is my key.

I smiled to myself seeing some type of monkey’s swing from branch to branch over our heads, the birds chirping for territory and everything in between. I had a moment of me time and that was all it took to know I still had hope or at least I hoped I did. I giggled to myself to how stupid I sounded talking to myself even though it is in my mind; I still can get out of hand sometimes.

“What’s so funny?”

“Oh it’s nothing” She rolled her eyes at me and flashed a smile which caught me off guard and balance.

“God Hanna I’m sorry it’s just I’m…” She paused looking down at me like I would understand, but then again I do.

“Hungry” Thinking about it I don’t remember that last time I ate, but Taylor isn’t hungry for a burger it’s more like…

“What do you eat and please…” She shook her head and laughed at me.

“God no!” I looked at her confused.

“Well I’ll explain”

“Please do” I sat up took her hand and stood wiping the dried mud off my jeans and shirt.

“Well ummm….”

“Ahhhh!” My feet were taken from the ground to midair, great hanging upside down was not on my to do list.

“Hanna are you okay?” I looked down not expecting to be so far up and I squeezed my eyes shut.

“Just peachy” I was in for a great deal of trouble, great just great.

Sooo I will upload when I can and so for a heads up I am not able to do book covers at the moment so Im sorry about that to so ya vote if you like this and want more or comment or both :) till next upload!

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