Chapter 5: Secrets, A Tale of Too Many

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Dennis knew.

Soon, many of the other Slienci followed suit, all looking smug. Defiant, I returned their scrutiny. When others began to take notice of our stand-off, I was forced to drop my gaze.

Then the bell rang. I couldn't be happier. The wolf pack was the first out; it gave me an excuse to leave the room immediately. Blending in with the pack crowd, I was silent as we travelled the halls.

After I nearly collided with a mob of vampires, Boe gave me a look. "What's the matter Mae?"

"Slienci creep me out." I whispered meekly.

Boe scoffed. "I cannot believe you just said that. The Northerner's scared of the people who can't throw a punch? Mae, I swear, the least terrifying things scare you. You could probably take down the entire school population of Slienci with your hands behind your back!"

His words made me laugh. He pulled me closer, as he swung us into the gym. I suppose he was trying to prevent any future missteps on my end.

Once in the gym I instantly saw a man in his mid-forties with chestnut coloured hair. A group of students faced him. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Arobyrn!" I yelled, releasing myself from Boe, and tackling the man in an embrace.

"Mae! What a surprise!" My former teacher returned my hug. Then his voice dipped low. "I suggest, with all due respect my lady, that you never make a scene like this again; others will be curious."

I nodded, ending our reunion. Waving good-bye, I joined my assembling pack.

Brooke opened her mouth; I stopped the question. "Arobyrn was a former teacher of mine back home."

She smiled as I fell in beside her. Arobyrn went on to explain today's lesson: knife throwing. Silently, I whooped with joy! This was, by far, my best skill.

Our instructor divided us into groups based on previous fighting ability. Upon looking at me in mock contemplation, he assigned me with the first tiered group.

Each group was to participate in a Program. It was a mini-game with moving targets; the goal was to hit as many as possible, in order to gain a higher score. Students would stand on a small platform in the centre, while the armoured mannequins revolved around them.

Points varied depending on the area of impact. Knifes that landed neck shots scored three points, hearts received two points, and head shots were a single point. The best possible score was ninety; speed was also taken into consideration, the faster the better.

My group was first. However, I would be doing my Program last in the group. The others were scattered around the gym, observing us, whilst practising on stationary targets.

A vampire sneered at me. "Why is she here? Does she have any Program experience?"

Others snickered at his comment. I responded coolly. "No, but if you have a glass of blood nearby, I'll have it gone in a heartbeat."

More people were added to the concerto of chuckles.

In the centre of the room, Stephen rolled his eyes as he crouched in readiness for his Program.

The Program was fast.

Four dummies on each side of the necromancer popped up from the floor. Due to surprise, Stephen missed the first set of targets. When he got into the rhythm, he mostly landed heart shots. Rarely, did he go for the tricky neck shot.

I soon discovered why.

The dummies were leather helmeted. As their heads oscillated from the whiplash of their movements, it was near impossible find an exposed neck. It was much simpler to go for the assured two points. A wide neck shot could easily demote a potential three points, to one.

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