Chapter 18: Love. Him.

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        The night was terrible. The morning after: even worse. My companions were blamed for the crimes of our escaped convict, even though we were innocent.

Still, I walked with a proud stature. My face held no guilt, and my knee was unbent to the constant disapproval and jeers from the rebel compound. Breakfast was an eventful affair; I ate more accusations and insults than actual food.

"Drinks for our guests?" A male servant drew near to our table, bearing a variety of beverages. Fed up with the rebels, I requested a hot tea, hoping to calm my senses.

Everyone else selected cold drinks and began drowning them instantly. I was about to lift my drink to my lips, when a beeping directed my attention to one of the large screens set up around the room.

Usually, they would be playing rebel broadcasting stations. But today, it bore the Imperial seal; our anthem began to play, the introduction song to the Imperial News.

My table cast aside our plates, and put a reflexive hand over our hearts in response to the tune. When the music drew to a close, the entire room was left in silence.

Our President appeared on screen; I also caught glimpses of my parents and some Imperial leaders behind him.

One brief shot of my little brother had my fists clenched and my jaw locked. I had to stay strong, for him.

Daniel Burnath Sr. addressed the cameras and the nation, "I will keep this announcement brief. About a week ago, you heard from the Northern Wolf King. He claimed one of the captive Imperial children to be of his own flesh and blood, and he declared a war for their safety.

Following their cry for action, the Imperial army attacked one of the rebel borders, hoping to expose their main compound; our efforts were not in vain, but our enemies had us outsmarted."

Boe scoffed loudly as the President continued, "But today, you hear from other Imperial leaders, who have taken up arms alongside the North. Officially, I would like to introduce those who have joined King Dalair II in his quest.

May I present: King Dominic & Queen Glissenda of the Western Wolves, King Kayne & Queen Helena of the Eastern Pack, and Queen Amberly & her Prince Consort Dour of the Southern Wolf Kingdom.

Their heirs, Prince Adrian, Prince Esbern, and the twin Princesses Amber & Sophia, respectively show their support as well."

It was sight seldom seen by anyone. The Imperial leaders setting their quarrels aside, and working together.

"And lastly, I would like to add myself to this list. I, President Daniel Burnath Sr., General of the Imperial Army will proudly lead my forces against this barbaric rebellion.

We shall vanquish our enemies and free all those held captive. My Imperial brothers and sisters, I call upon you to turn your weapons south, where we will deliver JUSTICE!"

Daniel suppressed the cheering crowd in front of him, an arm extended. "As well, I would like to address our Imperial children who find themselves stuck behind enemy lines. If by a slim miracle you get this message, I beg of you one thing: to remember those who are fighting for your return.

Hold your heads high when they defile the good name of the Imperial Empire. Remember our morals; apply them with honour. The Southern Rebels are scum, and should be treated with no more friendliness than they have given your fallen allies."

Then, the News broadcast signed off. The screens went blank.

"Now I have to be truthful here," Astrid stated, "while I like that those leaders banded together for us, I hated what the President said about the rebels."

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