Chapter 13: To Cast, or Not to Cast

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Danny's and his crew were an interesting group. Despite our political boundaries, they treated us as if we were long-time friends.

    "Mae! Could I talk to you for a second?" Danny looked up from his phone, waving me over.

     "Of course," I replied as I vaulted his sofa from behind; it would not be wise to decline his invitation. "What's up?"

    "Well it's my Dad. I'm sorry if he seems a bit detached at first; he's not sure how to react to all of these Imperials under his roof. Sometimes, he snaps at the five of us. He thinks that it's dangerous to hang out with the Imperials. In a sense, I suppose he's just worried; we've lost a lot during this war."

    His words walked a dangerous line. The Imperials have lost people too. Men and women have fallen on the battle field. And who's to forget the missing Imperial children? Do they ring a bell?

    "I guess I know where he's coming from. Brooke feels the same way all the time." I gave Danny a look, "She gets anxious after every attack; it's worse now that she's here. Alpha can't directly defend her pack anymore. I will not lie to you Danny; the rebels made a great play with her capture. I fear our pack suffers in her absence."

    Danny did not acknowledge the confession, "Brooke's new to the Alpha role, correct?"

    "Uh.... Yes, she is. Our pack ranks recently shuffled to accommodate the stronger warriors." I glossed over the fact that I had been the main reason for the rearrangements.

    The rebel suddenly slapped a hand on his forehead. "Oh I forgot! My Dad said that he wanted Brooke and you to go into the testing facility later today." Seeing my face, he added, "That sounded worse than it actually is. It's a Program specially designed to evaluate the magic capabilities of two people."

    "A Program? We have those at school." I laughed. "I guess that's one benefit to this whole imprisonment thing. No school. To be honest, I'm not missing it in the slightest!"

    Danny frowned as he stood, "You shouldn't think about WSBS like that Mae. A chance for formal education in Supernaturalism is something the Southern Rebels will never get. Some would undoubtingly kill for the opportunity that the Imperials have."

    He waved over his companions. They left. Eerily, I felt the weight of Danny's words long after the door shut behind them. 


Two hours later, Danver strolled into the Glass Room with Danny. "Brooke, Mae. You're needed in the testing facility. Please put these wrist bands on immediately. They're anti-magica and prevent the user from using any magic."

    We were hurriedly equipped with strange devices; they seemed to be made of plastic. Yet, they glowed due to a mysterious substance within.

I examined mine closely, "Are these cuffs the same caliber as the barrier in my cage?"

    Danver narrowed his eyes, "Why don't you see for yourself?"

    I was one step ahead of him, a Levato spell at the ready. Covertly, I aimed it at a deck of cards in the corner of my eye. It moved to the right slightly. No one else saw. Danver had been preoccupied with attaching Brooke's cuffs.

Astrid and Dexter caught my gaze; they smiled at me. So maybe my spell hadn't gone completely unnoticed. I fought a grin of my own. Elation overtook me as I realized that the best rebel technology wasn't enough to reign me in.

There was a bounce in my step as I followed Danver out.


The testing facility was designed like a modernized Roman amphitheatre. White lights illuminated the rounded room on all sides. Cameras and sophisticated instruments caught every angle. People in lab coats bustled about, typing in computers and comparing last minute notes. Seating ran around the arena, with servants bearing drinks for the assorted guests.

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