Chapter 8: A Taste of the Full Moon

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The next morning, I beat the raucous calling of my alarm by two hours. It had been a night of tossing and turning. The churning words of the prophecy kept me awake well into the night.

I now sat at my desk, fully dressed, staring at the paper. The words were burned into my memory, never to be forgotten; I had read the lines backwards and forwards, upside down, and reverse order. Every way I could think of! But when I flipped the sheet over, I gasped.

There was a line written, by Dennis, "That's all they want and that's all they'll get."

What did the Slienci mean by that? Was that the meaning behind, 'Try to see both sides of it?' Or were the words a warning to me? Lightly, I tapped my fingers on the desk as I tried to tame my jumbled thoughts.

An hour later, I jumped at a knock on my door. Promptly, Brooke let herself in. Stuffing the paper in my left pocket, I smiled in greeting.

"Oh, you're awake!" She seemed surprised, "Why?"

"Well, you know, the full moon is just around the corner," I replied through my teeth.

"Alright then." She hesitated. "I was just about to wake you for breakfast. The Moonlight Café is offering free food in the cafeteria, in celebration of the full moon."

Mike and Boe usually had a tray of samples in their dorm, showcasing the various pastries sold at the Café. They were to die for. I was out the door in seconds.


Brooke paused before the doors of the cafeteria, squaring her shoulders. I could already hear the hum of conversation. The scent of the food teased my senses and my stomach growled like a hungry wolf. She took a breath. Then Boe and Mike leapt forward to open the doors for her.

In a dramatic entrance, Brooke sauntered into the cafeteria extending her arms grandly, "Happy Full Moon everybody!"

She was met with a loud roar from the gathered students.

My eyes surveyed the pack. Their excitement bled into the hearts of all; every wolf was obnoxious and boisterous, barely holding in their anticipation for tonight.

Lyn and Sylvia ran to us, shoving empty plates into our hands.

"Alpha! Is she graduating today?" Lyn asked.

"Yes," my roommate beamed.

"Luna! Only three days into the pack." Sylvia squealed before hugging me, "You're amazing!"

"What pack is she in?"

"I'm not sure yet."

The three sub-pack leaders looked at each other before crying in unison, "DIBS ON THE PUP!"

Alpha laughed as the group broke off.

Boe dragged me to where piles of baked goods dominated the serving tables. Everything from cookies, to cake pops, to fruit muffins, littered the table. I knew, one hundred percent, that this was a terrible way to start the day, breakfast wise; but I could hardly deny the sweet treats.

Everyone, teachers included, made a point to stop by the cafeteria this morning. They were all vying for the same delectable delicacies.

I had just begun stuffing my face, when the vampires walked in. Instantly, my cake went sour.

Brooke approached them, like a proper hostess. Mike was busy entertaining some Zana guests. I nudged Boe, and then gestured to our vulnerable Alpha. Grunting, he picked up three empty plates. We walked together.

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